This solution only applies to configuring a Secondary Active Directory Server where you specify the LDAP information on the Domain page in the Admin UI and your Connecting Agent has an ampersand (&) in the password.
Note: If the Primary LDAP connection uses this same account (password becomes encrypted) there are no errors and it is able to connect without a problem. The issue is only seen when configuring a secondary AD Server on the Domains page.
Note: Ampersand (&) is a supported character.
To identify this issue set the following Services to Debug Logging Level under Admin Home | Services and Components | Logging
· Authentication Service Logging Level
· Directory Service Logging Level
An error similar to the one listed below will be displayed in the Xerox\Docushare\logs\DSServer.stdOut:
exception:Error on line 1: The reference to entity "SOMETHING" must end with the ';' delimiter., return null
Under LDAP Server Info in Admin Home | Account Management | Domains | Click the Edit button next to the Secondary AD Server Domain. Enter the configuration information for the second LDAP Server in the format listed below. 636 true dc=another_dc,dc=xerox cn=another_agent,dc=another_dc,dc=xerox 123&test
Note: In the example above the agent password is 123&test. However, it has been manually modified to 132&test. This manual modification, adding the amp; after the &, will need to be done to the value for your Secondary AD Server.
Note: You will need to change the entries to values that apply to your LDAP server environment.
Note: It may be easier to enter the LDAP Server Info into a text editor first (such as NotePad) and then use the copy and paste functions to paste the information into the LDAP Server Info field in DocuShare due to the length of the text box.