A single user is unable to login to the external domain added in DocuShare. The site is properly configured and working with LDAP and the user can login to the domain outside of the site without issue.
The following error will be displayed in the logs: - authenticate: Failed to find sally.anne the DocuSharedomain.
08 Nov 2012 10:58:13 - [Thread[Thread-35,5,main]] - 2666198953 [RMI TCP Connection(86702)-] ERROR - authenticate: DSException: User does not exist
Verify if an LDAP filter is being used under LDAP Configuration | Advanced.
1. Admin Home | Account Management | LDAP Accounts | Configuration. The LDAP Configuration page will display.
2. Click the Advanced button at the bottom of the page. The LDAP Advanced Configuration page will be displayed.
3. Under the Synchronization section, locate the option for Enable Group Search Control Filter under the Group section.
4. Take note of the entry CN filter that is listed in the Filter field.
5. Verify that the user that is unable to login is added to the CN that you noted in step 4 to allow access or remove the filter.
Solution Published: November 19th, 2012
Solution ID: 1226
Keyword: login failed