To add a user account that exists in two LDAP Domains requires that you filter on the specific user during the Add User operation. By filtering on the specific user when using the Add User operation in DocuShare it will only return the user you want to add.
To filter on a specific user during the Add User operation:
1. Log into DocuShare as Admin.
2. Click Admin Home | Account Management | LDAP Accounts | Configuration. The LDAP Configuration page displays.
3. Click the Advanced button. The LDAP Advanced Configuration page displays.
4. Place a check mark in the checkbox next to Enable User Access Control.
5. In the Filter field type (&(sAMAccountName=))
Where is replaced with the account value for your sAMAccountName.
Example: (&(sAMAccountName=TestUser))
Note: Ask the LDAP Administrator for assistance gathering the sAMAccount Attribute for the users. For detailed instructions on How To Use the LDIFDE Tool to Gather LDAP Information click the solution link at the bottom of the page. If necessary, contact the LDAP vendor directly for additional information.
6. Click the Apply button.
7. From the Administration Menu click Account Management | LDAP Accounts | Add.
8. In the Filter By grey box, select the menu option for Name and then click the Go button.
9. Only the User that was specified in the Filter field should be displayed in the Possible Users/Groups box.
10. Select the user from the Possible Users/Groups box and click the Add.
11. The Account will now be displayed in the Selected Users/Groups box.
12. Click the Add Accounts button.
Solution Published: May 6th, 2011
Solution ID: 836