· LDAP must already be properly configured in DocuShare.
NOTE: If you have not configured DocuShare to connect to your LDAP server. Refer to the Solution: How To Configure LDAP in DocuShare.
NOTE: You must be a site administrator to perform this solution.
NOTE: There is an option to have LDAP accounts created as the users login for the first time. This feature is called Automatic Account Creation found in the LDAP configuration settings.
1. Adding an LDAP User Account
a. Log into DocuShare as admin.
b. Click Admin Home link in the navigation bar
c. Click the [+] symbol next to Account Management
d. Click the [+] symbol next to LDAP Accounts
e. Click the Add link. The Add page displays.
f. From the By User Domain menu, select the external domain that you just added to DocuShare.
g. DocuShare displays accounts as they exist on the LDAP server.
h. From the displayed User or Group list, select one or more accounts to add to DocuShare.
NOTE: If Automatic Account Creation is disabled, then accounts not selected will not be able to log into the site.
i. Click the Add button. The accounts will be added to the external domain in DocuShare.
2. Viewing LDAP User Accounts
a. From Admin Home,
b. Select the [+] symbol next to Account Management
c. Select the [+] symbol next to Users
d. Select the List Users link. The List Users page displays.
e. Select the new domain from the Show Users from menu.
f. The List Users page displays all of the accounts that were just added.
3. Testing LDAP User Account Login
a. From the DocuShare Homepage
b. From the Domain menu, select the External Domain you created for LDAP.
c. Type an LDAP username and password for an LDAP account you have added.
d. Click the Login button.
NOTE: You must notify all the users that they must select their designated domain when logging into the site. If they attempt to log in to the wrong domain, DocuShare displays and error message and a request to retry login. To change the default login domain please refer to the solution “How To Set the Default Login Domainâ€