Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.x and 6.5.x
If your LDAP configuration for the Relative Authentication Locator (RAL) and or the Relative Directory Service Locator (RDSL) contains a SPACE after the comma it will create Duplicate Groups if configured to Automatically create Groups.
One Group is created using uppercase for the remote_dn and the other Group is created using lower case.
If the RAL and/or the RDSL is configured as:
dc=solutions, dc=com
Note: In the example above take note of the space after the comma and before the dc
The following Groups are created when the DocuShare LDAP Configuration is set to automatically create groups.
remote_DN : CN=testgroup2,CN=Users,DC=solutions,DC=com
remote_DN : CN=testgroup2,CN=Users,dc=solutions, dc=com
Do not use a space in the RAL or RDSL fields in the LDAP Configuration on DocuShare.
If the RAL and/or the RDSL is configured as (no spaces):
Solution Published: Feburary 3rd, 2010
SPAR 59806 (AR 0022873)