DocuShare 7.6 Patch 5
Installation prerequisites
- Requires Docushare 7.6
ds760p5 bug fixes
- 13267 "Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" appears Linux if you run -encrypt -loglevel debug
- 13731 SPAR 176660 workflow routing notification email needs to support OAUTH TLS 1.2
- 15911 Logging content missing in docusign_log.log
- 15945 SPAR 643092 Back to My Tasks button incorrectly appearing in Task Dialog
- 17303 logging level for "Workflow Service", "Full TExt Search Service" and "Full Text indext service" were changed after upgrade from ds75 to DS76
- 17508 encryptContentStore.bat failed to run in Thread and DEBUG LEVEL.
- 17569 Running idoltool.bat/sh -s addinstance hangs up and didn't response.
- 17937 "No matches were found for the query." after clicking Search in "QUICK SEACH SAVE QUERY ReFINE Search"
- 18079 [Linux]: able to run ./ command while DocuShare is running. Also, the logs is pointing to a NULL location
- 18080 The Page HEADER and the link title for SAML Override is inconsistent.
- 18225 [L10N]: Untranslated error message when Deleting a background job error thru HTML file
- 18348 Some of the log files has no content or empty. auto_create_folders.log copypastetemplate.log inheritproperties.log ReportGenerator.log
- 18383 [SCA]-CVE-2020-7692-Upgrade to 1.34.1 - and CVE-2021-22573
- 18393 [SCA]-CVE-2021-23562-Upgrade plupload to 2.3.9
- 18394 [SCA]-CVE-NA-Upgrade tinymce to 6.1.2
- 18649 Suggest to updated Release Notes to remove PG14.2 & add PG14.5; add SQL Server 2019 Express and etc.
- 18962 build a verifyContentStore tool for DS76.
- 19399 Inconsistency of behavior when searching for users and groups with wildcard *.
- 19952 SPAR 1680380: Advanced search generates URL with too long query
- 20041 Solr related logs are recorded in SJIS and search terms are not recorded properly.
- 21572 Alignment issue, missing description and blank page appears in Wiki Edit page
- 22085 The document structure of the Html file is lost and the characters are garbled.
- 22344 Remove DocuShare Server dependency on MS VS C++ 2008
- 24107 LCM : Emails are sent the next day after "a specific date".
- 24907 reindexSince option of dsindextool delets all index data
- 26947 SOLR Version Check added to Patch Installer so full index rebuild not required on upgrade with same SOLR version
- 27070 Database connection pool usage issue with connections staying open
- 27185 Failed to Save Query when it contains a numeric search term.
- 27314 Tomcat Security issue CVE-2023-28709
- 27523 Document Viewer does not work on windows DS Servers
- 27810 running "./" in Linux shows error "/bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"
- 27824 The document contents are garbled after uploading to DS
Solution Published: July 21, 2023
Solution ID: