Note: When using this method, you do not have to export and import IDOL or do a dsindex index_all.
IDOL’s index data is usually saved in the same directory where DocuShare is installed, under <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content directory. When the disk partition where DocuShare is installed is running out of free space, you can relocate IDOL’s index data to another partition by doing the following steps.
1. Stop DocuShare.
2. Copy all the following content data directories to the new directory location:
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/dynterm
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/main
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/nodetable
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/status
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/refindex
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/numeric
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/uid
• <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/tagindex
For example:
Copy <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/content/dynterm to d:/newdir/content
3. Once all the data directories have been moved, reconfigure IDOL to point the index data to the new directory location by running idoltool.
a. Open a Command Prompt window.
b. Change into the <dshome>\bin directory.
c. Type idoltool -s setcontentdir idol <path> and press Enter. Where <path is replaced with the path to the new IDOL content location.
Example >idoltool –s setcontentdir idol d:/newdir/content
Note: For multiple instances of content.exe:
a. Copy all contentx data directories to the new directory location.
Copy <dshome>/IDOLServer/content0/dynterm to d:/newdir/content0
Copy <dshome>/IDOLServer/content1/dynterm to d:/newdir/content1
b. Reconfigure contentx.cfg to point to the new directory location by running:
>idoltool –s setcontentdir contentx <newdirectory>
>idoltool –s setcontentdir content0 d:/newdir/content0
>idoltool –s setcontentdir content1 d:/newdir/content1
4. Start DocuShare.
Solution Published: November 16, 2020
Solution ID: 2065