Note: This solution applies to Linux and Solaris
Note: You must be logged in as root when performing these commands.
On Linux,
1. Open a terminal session
2. Type cat /proc/version >version.txt and press Enter.
3. Type cat/proc/meminfo >meminfo.txt and press Enter.
4. Type cat /proc/cpuinfo >cpuinfo.txt and press Enter.
5. Type df -h > df-h.txt and press Enter.
5. Send a copy of the version.txt, meminfo.txt, cpuinfo.txt, and df-h.txt files to DocuShare support along with any other requested information.
On Solaris,
1. Open a terminal session
2. Type prtdiag >prtdiag.txt and press Enter.
3. Send a copy of the prtdiag.txt to DocuShare support along with any other requested information.
Solution Updated: July 19th, 2011
Solution ID: 741