Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.5.x, 6.6.x and 7.x
For active sites it is recommended that the following maintenance/optimization is done to the database:
- Daily update statistics
- Check on fragmentation once a month
Consult your DBA or Administrator before attempting to run these commands. The DBA or Administrator will determine the appropriate settings and configurations for your environment. Only the DBA has the security permissions to run the database optimization.
Note: Depending on the size and usage of your DocuShare site, performance may be slow during database optimization. We recommend that you use Site Management/Access and set Site Access Authority to Administrator.
Changes may be necessary to fit your specific environment. All commands in the examples are to be run on the database server, which may or may not be the same server that is running your DocuShare site.
Note: This database optimization procedure example below assumes that SQL Express was installed with during the installation of DocuShare by our installer and is on the same server as DocuShare .
Caution: Only an experienced DBA or Windows Administrator should be running the commands below.
Choose one of the following options to optimize the SQL database.
Option 1: Optimize the database using the SQL Management Console
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Open a New Query window.
3. Type the following:
EXEC sp_updatestats
4. Press F5 to execute the command.
Option 2: Optimize the database using the Command Line
1. Open a command prompt window.
2. Use the CD command to change into the Binn directory
Example: CD C:\Xerox\Docushare\SQLExpress\MSSQL.2\MSSQL\Binn
3. From the Binn directory, run the osql.exe command by entering the following line, replacing all the bracketed names with the correct values for your installation.
osql -S [servername]\[MSDE_InstanceName] -d [DocushareDatabaseName] -U
SA -P [SA_Password]
Note : The default Instance Name at the time of install is SQLEXPRESS (when selecting Install as Default Instance) and the default Database Name is Docushare. If you selected a Named Instance during the installation or installed SQL Express separately then modify your command to match your environment settings.
4. Press Enter. The command displays the OSQL prompt 1.
Note: If the 1 prompt is not displayed then you will need to verify the information specified in step 3 is correct for you server.
5. At the 1 prompt type sp_updatestats and press Enter.
6. At the 2 prompt type go and press Enter. When the optimization processing is complete, OSQL displays a 1 prompt.
7. Once completed type exit and press Enter.
Solution Updated: February 4, 2021
Solution ID: 701