Forward slashes in a Document Title are interpreted by WebDAV as a Collection hierarchy or directory path. DocuShare can be configured to automatically change the forward slash character ( / ) to an underscore character ( _ ); therefore, allowing WebDAV to access documents that contain the forward slash.
To configure DocuShare to substitute the forward slash with an underscore:
Note: You must be an Administrator to perform this solution.
- Log into DocuShare as admin.
- Click Admin Home | Services and Components | click the WebDAV link. The WebDAV configuration page displays.
- Next to WebDAV Titles select Yes.
- Next to Sanitize Titles select Yes.
- Click the Apply button.
Note: Enabling WebDAV Titles the first time causes DocuShare to generate WebDAV titles when DocuShare is restarted. This title generation process can impact performance of DocuShare until the title generation process completes.
- Restart DocuShare.