Note: This applies to MSDE, SQL Express and SQL ONLY.
Note: If you are upgrading from a 6.0.x or older that ran on MSDE, verify that the DocuShare MSDE database is successfully connecting to the new SQL server, For more information on this issue click the Upgrade/Migration fails from version 6.0.x or older to DocuShare 6.6.1 Build 257 and 801 solution link listed at the bottom of the page.
During an install of DocuShare may get a pre-configuration error because of the following reasons:
1. The database information specified in the installer for DocuShare is incorrect
a. Verify the type of database you are specifying is correct. For example: MSDE, SQL etc.
b. Verify the username and password you are specifying for DocuShare to use to log in. (if applicable)
Note: This is only valid when connecting an existing pre-existing database.
2. Verify the SQL version and edition.
a. Open the SQL Management Studio and Connect to SQL Server.
b. Select New Query button.
c. Type SELECT @@version and then click the !Execute button.
d. The results will list the version and edition of SQL you are running.
e. Verify that the version listed is supported with the version of DocuShare you will be connecting it to.
Note: The Latest System requirements are available here If you are running an older version of DocuShare you can Search the Knowledge Base for the System Requirements for the version you are running and/or contact DocuShare Support.
3. Manually test the database connection information specified in the installer
Note: This will only be done for Databases that were already created, if you are installing MSDE at the same time as installing DS then this will not work.
Note: When conducting the manual login test it is very important that you use the exact same information that you specified in the DocuShare installer screen for the database. This manual test will allow us to verify that the settings that were specified in the installer are correct and would allow DocuShare to access the database.
To do a manual MSDE connection test (if applicable):
a. Open a command prompt window.
b. Type osql –S hostname\instance –Usa –Ppassword and then press Enter.
c. Where hostname, sa, and password is replaced with your database connection information.
Note: Database name is not needed in MSDE.
Note: Instance most commonly only used in MSDE installations, if you have MSDE installed you will see it running in the lower right hand corner in the system tray with a green arrow next to it. If you run your mouse over it you will see \\hostname\instance name... use this information for connecting to the database.
Note: The user account must be a SQL account, sa for example. A Windows local or network account will not work.
d. If you successfully log in you will see 1> displayed.
Note: If you do not see 1> displayed then the information specified to connect to the database is incorrect. Verify the information with the Database administrator and verify you can manually log in via this procedure before trying to install DocuShare again.
e. Type exit and press Enter.
To do a manual SQL connection test (if applicable):
a. Open a command prompt window.
b. Type osql –S hostname –Usa –Ppassword –d database and then press Enter.
Where hostname, sa, password and database is replaced with your database connection information.
Note: The user account must be a SQL account, sa for example. A Windows local or network account will not work.
c. If you successfully log in you will see 1> displayed
Note: If you do not see 1> displayed then the information specified to connect to the database is incorrect. Verify the information with the Database administrator and verify you can manually log in via this procedure before trying to install DocuShare again.
d. Type exit and press Enter
4. Verify if MSDE or SQL has been installed previously on the server (if applicable)
Note: This is only applicable if you are trying to install MSDE via the DocuShare installer (selecting install MSDE checkbox during installation)
Previous installations of MSDE or SQL can cause the MSDE installer in DocuShare to fail. This is because there are registry entries that were not uninstalled on the server properly after MSDE or SQL was uninstalled on the server.
Note: Refer to Microsoft for instructions on uninstalling SQL or MSDE from the registry completely or install MSDE or SQL manually (not via the DocuShare installer) and then connect to it. If you install MSDE manually verify that version you install is supported with the version of DocuShare you are installing and that it has full text-indexing.
5. Manually create a new database for DocuShare to use
Note: After manually creating a new database for DocuShare to use, you must verify that the new database has full-text indexing enabled and then try Step 2 again (Manual SQL connection test)
To verify full-text indexing is enabled on the database:
a. Open Microsoft SQL Server Manager
b. Right-click the database that has been created for DocuShare to use and select Properties. The Database Properties window displays.
c. Select Files from the left hand pane
d. Place a check mark in the Use full-text indexing checkbox.
e. Click the OK button.
6. Verify the SQL Server has the following features enabled
· Verify SQL Browser is started
a. Click the Start menu then right-click My Computer and select Manage.
b. Under Computer Management, click the [+] sign next to Services and Applications to expand, and then click Services.
c. Double-click SQL Server Browser from the list of services. The SQL Server Browser Properties window displays.
d. Select Start. (if the service is stopped)
e. Click the OK button.
· Verify the Which Protocols are enabled and the TCP Port.
a. From the SQL Server, open the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
b. Expand the SQL Server Network Configuration and Select Protocols for MSSQLSERVER.
c. Verify that Shared Memory, TCP/IP, and Named Pipes have a status of Enabled.
d. Verify that VIA protocol is Disabled.
Note: The VIA protocol must be disabled because it can cause issues in DocuShare.
e. Double-click TCP/IP. The TCP/IP property window displays.
f. Select the IP Address tab and verify all the services are set to TCP Port 1433.
· Windows and SQL Authentication Mode is enabled
a. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Manager.
b. Highlight your SQL Server and right-click on Properties.
c. Select Security, under the Server Authentication Heading.
d. Select SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode. (Sometimes labeled Dual or Mixed Mode depending on the version of SQL)
e. Click the OK button to apply the changes.
· Verify that Login is enabled.
a. From the SQL Server, open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
b. Expand Security | Logins.
c. Right-click the sa account and select Properties.
d. From the Select a page menu select Status.
e. Verify under Login heading Enabled is selected.
f. From the Select a page menu select Server Roles.
g. Place a checkmark in the checkbox labeled sysadmin.
h. Click the OK button.
· Verify Full Text Indexing is enabled
a. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services
b. Scroll down the list of Services and look for SQL Server Full Text Search
c. Verify that the Status is Started. If the Status is listed as Stopped, then Start the Service.
Note: In SQL 2008 all user created databases have full text indexing enabled by default. However, you can verify that the service that is used for Full Text Indexing is started in Services. The service is labeled SQL Full-Text Filter Daemon Launcher or FDHOST Launcher.
Note: To verify that Full Text Indexing is Enabled you can run the following query.
SELECT FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY(‘IsFullTextInstalled’). If the result is a 0 then it is not enabled, if the result is a 1 then Full Text Indexing is enabled.
Note: The full-text indexing configuration is also displayed by selecting the Database | Properties | Files. The Use full-text indexing checkbox should have a checkmark.
7. Check the Docushareinstalllog.txt
During an install of DocuShare there is a DocuShareinstalllog.txt file created it is located in the c:…\Temp for the Windows Server Administrator (profile of the person logged in and running the DocuShare installation). Once the installer has successfully created the Xerox\Docushare home directory a new DocuShareInstallLog.txt file will be created in the Xerox\DocuShare home directory and the new file will continue to record the remaining installation activities.
Note: Logs are automatically cleaned up after installation is complete. If you do not want them cleaned up then start the installation from a command prompt window docushare.exe –P docushareLog.CleanUp=false.
Note: During the initial install, a config directory is created in the install location (by default Xerox\Docushare) which includes database configuration. If some of the above settings were wrong during the initial install, it is possible that wrong settings were kept in the configuration files in the config directory. It is best practice to always move the Xerox directory into a temp directory and restart the installer after a failure.
Solution Updated: February 16, 2016
Solution ID: 442