This issue is usually seen during an install of DocuShare 5.x or an upgrade to SQL Server 2005. This error could result if the SQL 2005 Server is not configured for Full_Text Indexing.
Note: This will typically be the case if SQL Server was upgraded from SQL Server 2000 but it could also happen on a newly installed SQL 2005 Server.
Review the log.txt file after the failed install for an error similar to the following:
DatabaseAction: find correct schema
DatabaseAction.execute: get the schema >sqlserver_schema<
DatabaseAction.execute: pull the schema from the jar
DatabaseAction.execute: now lets find out about the target database
DatabaseAction.execute: do we have a database?
DatabaseAction.execute: bHaveDatabase = >true<
DatabaseAction.execute: bHaveDatabase true - now check tables
DatabaseAction.execute: bHaveTables = >false<
DatabaseAction.execute: calling setupDatabase.createTables(sSQLFile)
DatabaseAction.execute: test for the log directory
DatabaseAction.execute: make the log directory
DatabaseAction.execute: back from make log directory
DatabaseAction.execute: log directory exists so log create tables
DatabaseAction.execute: now make the call to setupDatabase.createTables
DatabaseAction.execute: first sleep 10 seconds !
DatabaseAction.execute: done sleeping - now make the call !
DatabaseAction.execute: caught DatabaseException >Failed to update the database on this statement: >CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG NXDBCatalog AS DEFAULT<; nested exception is:
java.sql.SQLException: [Docushare][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable full-text search for the database. The functionality to disable and enable full-text search for a database is deprecated. Please change your application.<
If you have the error indicated above then you will need Full-text indexing enabled.
To verify if Full Text Indexing is Enabled:
1. Open a Command Prompt window
2. Type Osql – S \ -d –U and press Enter.
is replaced with the SQL Server’s IP Address
is replaced with the InstanceName (if applicable)
is replaced with the docushare database name. The default database name during install is docushare.
is replaced with the Database username
3. Password: is displayed, type the database password and press Enter.
4. You should be prompted with 1> if you were able to successfully connect to your SQL server.
5. After the 1> prompt type use DocuShare and press Enter
6. After the 2> type SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY ('DocuShare', 'IsFulltextEnabled') and press Enter.
7. After the 3> type go and press Enter.
1> USE docushare
2> SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY ('DocuShare', 'IsFulltextEnabled')
3> go
(1 row affected)
This will return a 1 or 0. 1= True, 0=False and NULL=Invalid Input.
Note: If a 0 is returned run the following to enable to full text indexing
To enable full text indexing (if applicable):
1. After the 1> prompt type EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable' and press Enter
Note: If you closed the Command prompt window. Follow steps 1-4 in the solution above to get to the 1> prompt again.
2. After the 2> prompt type go and press Enter.
3. SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY ('DocuShare', 'IsFulltextEnabled')
8. After the 3> type go and press Enter.
4. This time a 1 should be returned.
1> EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
2> go
1> SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY ('DocuShare', 'IsFulltextEnabled')
2> go
(1 row affected)
Note: When a 1 is returned please Clear the Local Administrators Temp files, removed the failed DocuShare Installation directories and run the Installation wizard again