Document Quotas
Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.6.1.
Document count, as applied to user document quotas and size quotas, is incorrectly stated in the DocuShare 6.6.1 documentation.
The incorrect information in the guide is as follows:
Description of quotas and settings
Document Content Quota—The maximum number of documents that the user can own. Included in the count are email attachments and documents attached to wiki pages and
discussion topics.
Document Content Size Quota (MB)—The maximum size allocated to all of the user’s documents, which includes the content in all renditions of all versions of documents.
Settings for each quota:
Do not change—Leave the current setting in effect.
Unlimited—No quota imposed.
Limit to—Limit to a specific amount.
Not set (default to highest group setting)—No quota is set. If the user belongs to one or more groups with a quota set, use the highest group quota.
Note: If this setting is used, set a quota for a group.
Note: This information is found in the DocuShare 6.6.1 Administrator Guide on page 3-11.
Correct Information
Document count, as applied against a user’s set document quota, includes all files that comprise documents, versions, and renditions owned by that user.
For example; if a document has ten versions, and each version has two renditions, then that document is counted as twenty documents against the user’s document quota. (10 documents x 2 versions per document = 20 documents total against Quota)
Document file size, as applied against a user’s set size quota, also includes all files that comprise documents, versions, and renditions; with the sum counted against the user’s file size quota.
Note: Documents in the trashcan are included in the count.
Solution Published: January 9, 2017
Solution ID: 1248