The \logs\Monitor.log file displays the following error.
Where is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path is Xerox\Docushare. Depending on the installation environment the path may vary.
08 Jul 2011 15:41:28 [main] ERROR - MonitorServerImpl.callStartOnServer: caught DSException exception calling Database_JDBC
08 Jul 2011 15:41:28 [main] ERROR - MonitorServerImpl.callStartOnServer: DSException exception Unable to get connections set up.; nested exception is: BAD CONFIG: trying to connect; nested exception is:
java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: [Docushare][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Login failed for user 'sa'.
08 Jul 2011 15:41:28 [main] ERROR - failed to start up the system correctly
Reason / Possible Cause
The database sa password may have been changed.
Run dssetup to change the sa password.
To run dssetup to change the sa password:
1. Stop DocuShare.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. Change into the \bin directory.
Where is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path is Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
4. From the bin directory type dssetup and press Enter.
5. Confirm all the entries by pressing Enter until you get to the Database Types.
6. Confirm the following entries match your SQL server information.
Note: Press Enter to except the entry displayed in square brackets. To change the entry type the new value and press Enter.
· Database Type
· Database Host (ServerName)
· Database user
7. When prompted for the Database password type the Database user’s password and press Enter.
Note: The default database user is sa.
8. Confirm the following entries match your SQL server information.
· Instance (if applicable)
· Instance name (if applicable)
9. Once the Database information has been verified and/or changed to the new information press enter until you finish the configuration questions (pressing enter accepts the your previous settings)
10. A message stating that –success! Should be displayed.
11. Start DocuShare
Solution Published: July 18, 2011
Solution ID: 870