Statistics and Repository Use count different things. The Statistics page shows the totals for each DocuShare object type in the system. This includes deleted objects, since they are still in the system, though visible only in the Trash display pages. It is a basic 'what kind and how many' display available to anybody, even guest.
The Repository Use File and Size columns are counting file system files and file byte count totals. A document may contain one or more content files. If you (same user) add another version, that adds another content file (or several, for multi-file content types). Still one document though. If you click on the html icon to display in html, that generates an html rendition as well, which adds an html file. If it happened to be, say, a Word document with pictures, the html rendition will be an html file plus image files. So this single document can have from one to quite a number of content files.
The Statistics page will count it as one document, and the Repository Use page will count its multiple content files. Deleted documents are not included in the user's Repository Use file count, since the admin manages deleted content.
The Repository Use File and Size columns are counting file system files and file byte count totals. A document may contain one or more content files. If you (same user) add another version, that adds another content file (or several, for multi-file content types). Still one document though. If you click on the html icon to display in html, that generates an html rendition as well, which adds an html file. If it happened to be, say, a Word document with pictures, the html rendition will be an html file plus image files. So this single document can have from one to quite a number of content files.
The Statistics page will count it as one document, and the Repository Use page will count its multiple content files. Deleted documents are not included in the user's Repository Use file count, since the admin manages deleted content.