When DocuShare receives an email, it compares the From: field in the email to its list of user email addresses in DocuShare to try to associate the email sender to an existing user.
The email addresses of Active Directory (AD) users are often pulled into DocuShare from the LDAP Server as mixed case email addresses which DocuShare currently does not support. The mixed case email addresses cause DocuShare to not recognize the email address of the sender as matching an existing user in DocuShare and therefore causes DocuShare to place the email message in the Default Collection for the Email Agent.
NOTE: The Default Collection is defined in the Admin Home | Email Agent Configuration under Handle of the Email Agent User field.
NOTE: This solution applies to DocuShare 6.x
NOTE: The solution below only applies to Emails sent to DocuShare via an Active Directory (AD) User in DocuShare.
NOTE: You must be a Site Administrator to perform this solution
Two Options:
1. Remove User Bind Attribute for Email in the LDAP Configuration on DocuShare
2. Run the normalizeEmailAddress Utility each time DocuShare is Synchronized with LDAP
Option 1: Remove User Bind Attribute for Email in the LDAP Configuration on DocuShare
NOTE: This solution requires that you manually enter the email address property for any new Active Directory (AD) users added in DocuShare. The email address property will no longer be pulled from the LDAP Server during synchronization.
1. Log into DocuShare as admin
2. Click Admin Home Link on the navigation bar
3. Click [+] symbol next to Account Management
4. Click [+] symbol next to LDAP Accounts
5. Click Bind User link. The Bind User page displays.
6. Delete the value in the Email Address Field
7. Click the Apply Button
8. Download the NormalizeEmailAddress.zip file from https://docushare.xerox.com/doug/dsweb/View/Collection-9508
9. Extract the zip file
10. Place a copy of the normalizeEmailAddrs.bat into the Xerox\Docushare\bin folder
NOTE: If you are running Linux, place the normalizeEmailAddrs.sh in the \bin directory.
11. Place a copy of the normalizeEmailAddrs.jar into the Xerox\Docushare\lib folder
12. Open a command prompt window and change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
13. From the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory type normalizeEmailAddrs –p adminpassword and press Enter.
NOTE: Where adminpassword is the admin password in DocuShare.
14. This will convert all existing Email Addresses listed in DocuShare to lowercase.
Option 2: Run the normalizeEmailAddress Utility each time DocuShare is Synchronized with LDAP
NOTE: This solution requires that you run the normalizeEmailAddress utility every time that your DocuShare server synchronizes with the LDAP Server.
1. Download the NormalizeEmailAddress.zip file from https://docushare.xerox.com/doug/dsweb/View/Collection-9508
2. Extract the zip file
3. Place a copy of the normalizeEmailAddrs.bat into the Xerox\Docushare\bin folder
NOTE: If you are running Linux, place the normalizeEmailAddrs.sh in the \bin directory.
4. Place a copy of the normalizeEmailAddrs.jar into the Xerox\Docushare\lib folder
5. Open a command prompt window and change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
6. From the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory type normalizeEmailAddrs –p adminpassword and press Enter.
NOTE: Where adminpassword is the admin password in DocuShare.
NOTE: For a list of all the options available with the NormalizeEmailAddress Utility type normalizeEmailAddrs –h
7. This will convert all existing Email Addresses listed in DocuShare to lowercase.