Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.5.x ONLY
Note: Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
The Xerox\Docushare\logs\Monitor.log hangs starting IDOL
The following error message will be displayed in the IDOL logs (Xerox\Docushare\IDOLServer\IDOL\logs\content_application.log)
Unable to load persistent language information file (new format).
18/08/2009 12:38:45 [1] ERROR: Failed to initialise language settings.
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution.
1. Stop DocuShare (if it is not already stopped)
2. Open a Command Prompt window
3. Change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
4. Type idoltool and press Enter
5. Type resetserver all and press Enter
6. When prompted “Do you want to reset content data? [y/n] type n and press Enter
Warning: If you type y (yes) when prompted “Do you want to reset content data then the indices will be removed and you will need to do a dsindex index_all when this solution is complete
Running idoltool
>resetserver all
Resetting D:\Xerox\DS652\IDOLServer\DiSH...
Resetting D:\Xerox\DS652\IDOLServer\IDOL...
Resetting D:\Xerox\DS652\IDOLServer\FileSystemFetch...
Do you want to reset content data?[y|n]: n
Resetting D:\Xerox\DS652\IDOLServer\IDOL\content...
resetserver: Done.
7. Type exit and press Enter to exit the idoltool.
8. Start DocuShare