Note: Upgrades to DocuShare v.6.5.3 are supported from DocuShare 5.0.3 patch 10, DocuShare 6.0.1 Update 3 or higher, and DocuShare 6.5.0 patch 3 or higher.
o Make sure your server meets the minimum requirements for DocuShare installation and that you have gathered the information required by the install wizard.
Note: For detailed information on the DocuShare System Requirements and Information Required for Installation click the DocuShare 6.5.3 System Requirements link listed at the bottom the page.
o If you have chosen not to install the DocuShare supplied web server, make sure you have installed and configured the web server of your choice, and that web server is running before you begin DocuShare installation.
o If you have chosen not to install the DocuShare default database, make sure you have installed and configured the database of your choice, and that database is running before you begin DocuShare installation.
o For an easier installation, we recommend that you install DocuShare on a clean server; one with newly installed operating system software
1. Complete the following steps before upgrading DocuShare
- Backup DocuShare -- Restoring from your backup is the only method available to restore DocuShare should a problem occur during upgrade.
Note: For detailed instructions on How To Backup DocuShare click the solution link listed at the bottom of the page.
B. Clear Event Queues -- Allow time for users to complete their work and the event notification queues to clear before shutting down.
Warning: All events in the queue from 6.0.1 or earlier will be lost during an upgrade. Events in queue from 6.5.0 may be corrupted during the upgrade.
- Restrict access to the server by setting the Site Access policy to Administrator. This will prevent additional users from accessing the site.
To Restrict Site Access:
a. Log into DocuShare as admin and go to Admin Home.
b. Go to Site Management l Access Policies.
c. Set the Site Access Authority to Administrator. Click Apply.
d. Allow all users adequate time to complete any changes and log off.
e. Stop any automated or programmatically generated activities, especially ones that use the Content Intake Manager, Content Rules, or Scan-to-DocuShare services.
ii. Set DocuShare to Read-Only mode. This will prevent users from making changes and generating new events.
To set DocuShare to Read Only:
a. Log into DocuShare as admin and go to Admin Home.
b. Go to Site Management l Site Operations and change the System Mode to Read Only. Click Apply.
iii. Force send Email Notifications (subscriptions) from the queue.
To force DocuShare to send Email Notifications (subscriptions):
a. Log into DocuShare as admin and go to Admin Home.
b. Go to Services and Components l Subscription.
c. Set the Weekly Notification Day to the current day of the week and set the Daily and Weekly Notification Hour and the Daily and Weekly Notification Minute to five minutes from the current time. Click Apply.
Wait for the designated time to pass and allow adequate time for DocuShare to generate and send the queued email notifications.
d. After the emails are sent, go to Services and Components l Subscription and set the Hour, Minute, and Day for Daily and Weekly notifications to their previous values. Click Apply.
iv. Use the diagtool or diagevent command to check the status of event queues.
To check the status of event queues in DocuShare 5.x and 6.x:
a. Open a Command Prompt window
b. Change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
Note: Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
c. Type Diagtool -que all print and press Enter
Note: You can redirect the output from the command to a file to make it easier to view full content by adding a > \path to\file. For example, diagtool –que all print > c:\temp\diag.txt
d. Check the status of the event queues they should be empty (0)
To check the status of event queues in DocuShare 6.5.0:
a. Open a Command Prompt window
b. Change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
Note: Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.