Note: This applies to DocuShare 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 6.5.x, 6.6.x, and 7.
Note: You must be a DocuShare Administrator.
Prerequisites: You must already have a valid license string issued by the DocuShare licensing team or a valid Demo license string.
Note: If you do not have a license string, contact DocuShare Licensing at and request a license string.
To apply the new license key:
1. Log into DocuShare as admin.
2. Click Admin Home | Site Management | License link. The Server License Management Page displays.
3. Paste the license string that you have been provided by the licensing department into the License field.
Note: If you have been provided a new license string but you already have a license string displayed in the License field, then delete the old license string that is displayed in the License field and paste the new license string in the field.
4. Click the Apply button.
Note: If you receive an error message or the license key does not appear to apply please see the Unable to Apply License Key and/or License Key Invalid Message solution link listed at the bottom of the page.
5. Verify that the information regarding options you have purchased are displayed on the Server License Management Page. For example: Effective Dates, Licensed Users, and Services Enabled.
Note: If information is not correct you will need to contact the licensing department or your sales representative to verify the options you have purchased.
Solution Updated: November 28, 2016
Solution ID: 474