Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.6.1 and 7.
To prepare IDOL for a snapshot or scheduled backup:
1. Before doing the snapshot or scheduled backup the IDOL server you must prepare IDOL for the backup by pausing it.
Pause IDOL by running the following command in a local browser: http://localhost:9001/DREFLUSHANDPAUSE?
2. Write down the INDEXID that is returned after running the command in step 1. It will be used to restart IDOL after the backup operation is finished. Example: INDEXID=193.
3. Backup the <dshome>\IDOLServer directory, using your standard backup procedure of taking a snapshot or OS level backup.
Note: Verify backup file size for the IDOLServer directory to ensure that your backup file sizes match the original size.
Warning: If you do not complete step 3 to restart IDOL after you have performed the backup the indexing queue will remain paused.
4. Restart IDOL by running (use the INDEXID from the DREFLUSHANDPAUSE):
Where <IndexID> is replaced with the Index ID. (INDEXID=193 in example in Step 1)
To Restore the IDOL from a snapshot or scheduled backup:
1. Stop DocuShare.
2. Verify all processes are stopped.
Warning: DO NOT kill the autonomyDISH.exe, autonomyFileSystemFetch.exe, autonomyIDOLServer.exe and content.exe processes. IDOL must be shut down properly, detailed instructions on how to do this are included in the article How to Manually Kill the DocuShare Processes
3. Restore snapshot or if an OS level backup was done restore the <dshome>\IDOLServer directory from backup.
4. Start DocuShare.
5. From a command prompt window or terminal window.
6. Change into the <dshome>\bin directory.
For Sites running DocuShare 7 or 6.6.1 Update 3 and higher:
· Dsindex.bat -reindexSince MM/dd/yyyy-MM/dd/yyy index_all (Windows)
· -reindexSince MM/dd/yyyy-MM/dd/yyy index_all (Solaris)
Notee: The MM/dd/yyyy should be set to a date shortly before the backup was created.
Example: dsindex -reindexSince 05/01/2019-05/30/2019 index_all
This command re-indexes all objects with modified/create date at or after 05/01/2019 (inclusive) and before 05/30/2019 (exclusive).
For sites running DocuShare 6.6.x Update 2 and below:
· reindexChangesSince.bat MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (Windows)
· MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (Solaris)
Note: The MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss should be set to a time shortly before the backup was created.
Solution Published: November 26, 2019
Solution ID: 2009