Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.6.x and DocuShare 7.
This solution should be used when performing a manual backup of IDOL or when setting up an Operating System level scheduled task.
To perform a manual backup of IDOL Index data:
1. Open a command prompt window (Windows) or terminal window (Linux/Solaris)
2. Change into the <dshome>\ bin directory.
Where <dshome> is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation directory is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
3. Run one of the following commands depending on your environment.
· idoltool.bat –s backup <path_to_backup_directory> (Windows)
· –s backup <path_to_backup_directory> (Linux / Solaris).
Where <path to backup directory> is replaced with the path to the backup folder. For example, D:\content_backup.
Example (Windows): idoltool.bat –s backup D:\content_backup
Example (Linux/Solaris): –s backup /content_backup
Note: The backup will need to be run on each content if you are running more than one content. The command line statement will need to be modified if you have more than one content.
Example (Linux / Solaris):
· For content0: -s backup /content0_backup0 content0
· For content1: -s backup /content1_backup0 content1
Example (Windows):
· For content0: idoltool.bat -s backup c:\idolbackup content0
· For content1: idoltool.bat -s backup c:\idolbackup content1
· For content2: idoltool.bat -s backup c:\idolbackup content2
4. After performing a backup, the following information will be displayed in the log files:
· If you are running one Content engine.
The <dshome>/logs/idoltool.log will display the following:
20110927 13:16:39 - Submitted DREBACKUP, jobid = 19
20110927 13:16:43 - IdolAdmin.waitForJobCompletion: id = 19: Finished; documents processed: 0...
20110927 13:16:43 - backup: Done.
· If you are running multiple Content engines, the logs will be named slightly different and will be found in the following locations.
For Content0: <dshome>\IDOLServer\content0
o application.log
o index.log
For Content1: <dshome>\IDOLServer\content1
o application.log
o index.log
Example of the <dshome>\IDOLServer\IDOL\logs\content_application.log:
21/10/2013 13:36:40 [1] Backing up database into existing directory 'C:\BackupIDOL'
21/10/2013 13:36:40 [1] Backing up "Main" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/main'
21/10/2013 13:36:40 [1] Backing up "Status" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/status'
21/10/2013 13:36:40 [1] Backing up "Dynterm" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/dynterm'
21/10/2013 13:36:43 [1] Backing up "Nodetable" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/nodetable'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "Refindex" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/refindex'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "Numeric" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/numeric'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "BitField" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/bitfield'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "Secindex" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/secindex'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "TagIndex" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/tagindex'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "SortField" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/sortfield'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backing up "IndexQueue" files into directory 'C:\BackupIDOL/indexqueue'
21/10/2013 13:36:44 [1] Backup Complete.
Example of the <dshome>\IDOLServer\IDOL\logs\content_index.log:
27/09/2011 13:16:39 [0] Index connection granted to:
27/09/2011 13:16:39 [0] Index Queue Command: /DREBACKUP?/Docushare/content0backup
27/09/2011 13:16:39 [1] Index Queue Command: DREBACKUP?/Docushare/content0backup
27/09/2011 13:16:42 [1] Index command finished. Took 2.88 s
To Restore the IDOL Content Index Data from Backup
1. Stop DocuShare.
2. Open a Command Prompt Window or Terminal Window.
3. Change into the <dshome>\bin directory.
4. Run idoltool –s resetserver all y and press Enter.
5. Start DocuShare.
6. Run the one of the following commands depending on your environment.
· idoltool.bat –s restore <path to backup directory> (Windows)
· –s restore <path to backup directory> (Linux / Solaris).
Where <path to backup directory> is replaced with the path to the backup folder. For example, D:\content_backup.
Note: If you are running multiple content engines, the restore command will need to be modified and run on each content.
For content0: -s restore /content0_backup0 content0
For content1: -s restore /content1_backup0 content1
Below are examples of the information that will be displayed in the log files after performing the command line restore in step 6 above.
Example of the <dshome>/logs/idoltool.log:
20131021 15:40:22 - Submitted DREINITIAL, jobid = 1
20131021 15:40:24 - waitForJobCompletion: id = 1: Finished; documents processed: 0...
20131021 15:40:24 - restore: Done.
Note: If you are running multiple content engines the logs displayed in examples below will be named slightly different and will be found in the following locations.
For Content0: <dshome>\IDOLServer\content0
· application.log
· index.log
For Content1: <dshome>\IDOLServer\content1
· application.log
· index.log
Example of the <dshome>/IDOLServer/IDOL/logs/content_index.log:
20131021 15:40:22 - Submitted DREINITIAL, jobid = 1
20131021 15:40:24 - waitForJobCompletion: id = 1: Finished; documents processed: 0...
20131021 15:40:24 - restore: Done.
7. Once the restore has completed, run one of the following commands from the <dshome>\bin directory.
For Sites running DocuShare 7 or 6.6.1 Update 3 and higher.
· Dsindex.bat -reindexSince MM/dd/yyyy-MM/dd/yyy index_all (Windows)
· -reindexSince MM/dd/yyyy-MM/dd/yyy index_all (Solaris)
Notee: The MM/dd/yyyy should be set to a date shortly before the backup was created.
Example: dsindex -reindexSince 05/01/2019-05/30/2019 index_all
This command re-indexes all objects with modified/create date at or after 05/01/2019 (inclusive) and before 05/30/2019 (exclusive).
For sites running DocuShare 6.6.x Update 2 and below:
· reindexChangesSince.bat MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (Windows)
· MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (Solaris)
Note: The MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss should be set to a time shortly before the backup was created.
Solution Published: November 26, 2019
Solution ID: 2011