Note: This applies to DocuShare Flex.
You use View Settings to customize how you want your search results displayed.
To change the view settings:
1. Click the Show View Settings icon.
Note: To close the View Settings without saving changes, click the Cancel or button at any time.
2. To customize which columns are displayed in the view, select the column title from the Available list and click the left arrow to add the title to the Selected list. Click the right arrow to remove a selected title from the Selected list.
3. The order of column titles in the Selected list determines the left-to-right position of the columns in the view; the column title at the top of the list will be the furthest left. Select the column title and use the controls below the Selected list to change the order of the columns:
– Use the two single arrows to move the selected column title up or down one place in the list.
– Use the two double arrows to move the selected column title to the top or bottom of the list.
4. Under Other Options, select additional view options as required:
– Paging Size—From the menu, select how many objects to display on the page.
– Primary and Secondary Sort—From the menus, select the primary and secondary columns to sort by and if they will be sorted in ascending or descending order. For example, if you select Create Date and Ascending from the Primary Sort menus and then select Due Date and Ascending from the Secondary Sort menus, the objects will be sorted first by the create date (most recent first) and then by the due date.
– Show in groups—Click the checkbox to group objects in the view. Objects will only be shown in groups when sorted by the type or date property. Groups can be expanded and collapsed by clicking the + or - button next to the group name.
5. Click Save.
Note: This information can also be found in the DocuShare Flex User Guide.
Solution Published: April 20, 2021
Solution ID: 2125