Note: This solution is valid for DocuShare 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x
Note: This solution will require you to stop DocuShare
Note: You must be an administrator to perform this solution
Note: Solution steps are based on the Windows 2003 Server and DocuShare 6; however, the solution applies to all supported Windows versions and DocuShare 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x
- You must know the Host ID of your server before performing this solution. You can find the Host Id of the server by opening a command prompt window and from the Xerox\DocuShare\bin directory type start_docushare env. This will display the host ID for your DocuShare Server.
From the DocuShare Server,
1. Stop the DocuShare.
2. Open a Command Prompt Window.
Note: On 2008 server, you may need to right click on the command prompt in the programs menu and choose "run as administrator" to perform this solution.
3. Change into the \bin directory.
Where is replaced with the installation path to DocuShare. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
4. Type start_docushare -install HostID -name "Docushare X - HostID" -auto then press Enter.
Where HostID is replaced by your DocuShare Server’s Host ID
Where X is replaced with the version of DocuShare you are running.
Note: If you are copy and pasting this command from the solution and it does not work, try manually typing the command instead, sometimes the copy paste function will pick up extra formatting and hidden characters.
5. You will be returned to the command prompt, close the command prompt window.
6. Open the Control Panel and select Administrative Tools | Services. The Services window will be displayed.
7. Browse through the list of Services, you should now see DocuShare X - HostID listed.
8. Right click on the DocuShare X Service and select Start. A status of Started will be displayed next to the service.
Note: You will need to wait a few minutes for DocuShare to finish its startup routine.
9. Once DocuShare has started, bring up the webpage in your browser to be sure you can access it ok.
Note: If you need to remove the DocuShare Service. The command is start_docushare -remove HostID -name "Docushare X - Host ID".
Solution Updated: July 2nd, 2014
Solution ID: 299
How To Add the DocuShare Service
Manually add Service
Adding DocuShare Service
Service Not Showing Up
Service Missing.
Install Service
Service Missing
Add Docushare service