Security Warning: The IDOL Index Database is not an encrypted file. Use care when exporting this file to a non-secure location; contents are in plain-text and can be easily read.
How To Export the IDOL Index Database
Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.5.x ONLY. This solution does not apply to DocuShare 6.6.x and higher.
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution
Note: Solution requires that your site be placed in Read Only mode. Therefore, users will not be able to make any changes to the DocuShare site while performing this solution.
To Export the IDOL Index Database:
Note: DocuShare must be running to perform this solution.
1. Open a command prompt window
2. Create a directory to export the IDOL Database.
Example: mkdir idol_temp
3. Change into the <dshome>\bin directory
Where <dshome> is the installation directory for DocuShare. Depending on your installation environment the path to DocuShare may vary. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare
4. Type dsservice state readonly and press Enter.
5. Type idoltool and press Enter
Running idoltool
6. From the idoltool prompt, type export c:\idol_temp and press Enter
Note: Replace c:\idol_temp with the directory path that you want to export to.
>export c:\idol_temp
Started: Tue Jun 02 15:30:06 PDT 2009
command = http://localhost:9001/DREEXPORTIDX?Filename=c:\idol_temp\export&Compress=true&DatabaseMatch=db_0&BatchSize=500000
status: Finished
Finished: Tue Jun 02 15:30:07 PDT 2009
Total time to export: 0h:0m:1s:122ms
export: Done.
7. The Idol Database index file will be gz-zipped into the c:\idol_temp directory. (or directory path you specified)
8. Type exit and press Enter
9. From the <dshome>\bin directory, type dsservice state normal and press Enter. This places your site back to Read Write mode.
How To Import the IDOL Index Database
Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.5.x ONLY
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution
Note: DocuShare must be running to perform this solution.
· You must know the location of the exported IDOL Index. IDOL Indexes are in the .gz (zipped) file format.
To Import the IDOL Index Database:
1. Open a command prompt window
2. Change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
Where <dshome> is the installation directory for DocuShare. Depending on your installation environment the path to DocuShare may vary. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare
3. Type dsservice state readonly and press Enter
4. Type idoltool and press Enter
Running idoltool
5. From the idoltool prompt, type import c:\idol_temp and press Enter
Note: Replace c:\idol_temp with the directory path that contains the idoltool export file.
Example: >import c:\idol_temp
6. If you are importing after a crash in which the current state of the search index is unknown, it is recommended that you answer "yes" to the question: "Do you want to initialize the database first?".
Do you want to initialize the database first?[y|n]:y
Started: Tue Jun 02 15:36:17 PDT 2009
command = http://localhost:9001/DREADD?c:\idol_temp\export-0.idx.gz&DREDbName=db_0
status: Pending commit
Finished: Tue Jun 02 15:36:18 PDT 2009
Total time to import: 0h:0m:1s:482ms
import: Done.
7. Type exit and press Enter
8. From the <dshome>\bin directory, type dsservice state normal and press Enter. This places your site back to Read Write mode.
Note: Refer to the related solution listed below How to Recover the IDOL Index after a Disaster if your import is being done because of a disaster scenario.
Solution ID: 455
Solution updated: July 23, 2018