Increase JVM Max Memory in dsupgrade2
- Open [docuhare-home]\bin\dsupgrade2.bat or on UNIX, with a text editor such as Notepad.
- Locate the following line of text: java -cp %MY_CLASSPATH% -DDSHOME=%DSHOME% -Xms80m -Xmx100m -h
- Change the -Xmx100m parameter value from 256m to 1000m depending on the unallocated RAM available on the server.
- Save the file.
- Rerun the dsupgrade2 migration tool.
NOTE: The dsupgrade2 migration tool requires an empty DocuShare site. Uninstall DocuShare 4.x. Run the DocuShare installation program if the installation program detects data in the database select the option to install DocuShare without saving the data in the database. Rerun the dsupgrade2 migration tool.