Configuring the IIS Out of Process with Tomcat 4.0.1:
The files needed for DocuShare-IIS configuration have been installed into the Tomcat Servlet included with DocuShare. The files are in these locations:
The files marked in bold need to be edited to suit your environment.
The files needed for DocuShare-IIS configuration have been installed into the Tomcat Servlet included with DocuShare. The files are in these locations:
The files marked in bold need to be edited to suit your environment.
- Edit the file. Update the following fields to suit your environment:
- Edit the file. Add any web sites that IIS needs to serve to Tomcat.
# Default worker to be used through our mappings
# Sites to be redirected to Tomcat
For example, if you want DocuShare to be the DocuShare root, add the following two lines to the file:
- Edit the iis_redirect.reg registry file. Modify the paths to suit your environment. For example:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0]
extension_uri = /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll
log_file = %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat\logs\iis_redirect.log
log_level = emerg
worker_file = %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat\conf\ntiis\
worker_mount_file = %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat4\conf\ntiis\
- Execute the registry file by double-clicking on [iis_redirect.reg], or right-clicking on [iis_redirect.reg] and selecting [Merge].
To verify that the registry was successful:- Click on [Start] and select [Run].
- In the Open field, type regedit and click [OK].
- View the contents.
- Edit the server.xml file. Open the %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat\conf\server.xml file for editing. The AJP connector is not enabled by default. To enable it, uncomment (remove the ) the following section in $DOCUSHARE_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml (in the original file this is line 74 ;):
NOTE: When placing new files (for example, jars) into %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat\lib edit the, and make sure to restart WWW Publishing Service (IIS), rather than the Tomcat service, in order to have the new libs used by Tomcat.
- Add Jakarta to IIS and register adding an ISAPI filter.
- Start the Internet Services Manager.
- Go to Default web site.
- Add a new virtual directory called jakarta that points to %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat\bin\native\, where %DOCUSHARE_HOME%\tomcat is your actual tomcat directory typed out, for example, C:\DocuShare\tomcat\bin\native.
- Make sure execute permissions are enabled.
- Add the ISAPI filter isapi_redirect.dll to the IIS server.
- Using IIS Manager, open the properties for the Web Sites.
- Click on the [ISAPI Filters] tab.
- Click on [Add] to add the Jakarta Redirector. The redirector file is \tomcat\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll.
- After adding the isapi filter, the status will be a red down arrow. Stop and restart the Default Web Sites in IIS. The status should now be green.
- Add an Extension and set IIS Permission for running Jakarta.
- Navigate to Web Services Extension, and click on [Add a new Web Services Extenion].
- In the Extension Name field, type Jakarta Redirector then click on [Add].
- In the Path to File field, type %DSHome%\tomcat\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll. and click on [OK]. Jakarta Redirector will be displayed on the Web Services Extension, but will be prohibited.
- Click on [Allow] to allow the Extension.
- Restart IIS from Services Manager.