Note: This applies to DocuShare Drive 1.5.1 installed on Windows 10 and Microsoft OneDrive (previously SkyDrive).
After installing DocuShare Drive 1.5.1, the OneDrive icon overlays may not display when you browse files on OneDrive from Office applications. This is because Windows supports a limited number of icon overlays for Microsoft and third-party use. Overlay icons installed by Windows 10 for the OneDrive integration within Windows File Explorer continue to work after DocuShare Drive is installed.
To have OneDrive icon overlays display, do the following:
Uninstall DocuShare Drive.
From a command line, re-install DocuShare Drive with OVERLAYIMAGELEVEL set to 0.
Example: DSDriveSetup64 /c:"presetup /r /l /e OVERLAYIMAGELEVEL=0"
Solution Published: October 26, 2016
Solution ID: 1823
AR 0035095