When trying to apply a new license key it does not apply and DocuShare displays a message "Invalid License".
Note: Please follow solutions listed below in order.
1. License Key has not been generated on the version of DocuShare you have installed
a. License keys are generated based on the version of DocuShare that is installed and the options and seats you have purchased. You should verify with the licensing department that they have issued you a license key for the version of DocuShare you are currently using.
2. License key has not been generated on your current Host ID
a. The license string must be generated on the Host ID that appears in the Administration Menu, under Site Management and then License. If it is generated on an old Host ID then the key will not apply.
Note: There is a host id listed next to the DocuShare Service in Administrative Tools Services. This Host ID is generated during the install of DocuShare and may no longer be valid. It is important that you do not request a new license key based on the host id that is displayed in Services as it may not be valid.
Note: The Host ID of your server should only change if you have reinstalled DocuShare or if you have changed the primary network adapter on the Server. If you have two network adapters on your server and after a reboot a different network adapter was picked up the HOST ID will change.
3. The license key you are trying to apply has an invalid or hidden character in it.
a. We recommend that you paste the license key string you receive in your email into a text editor such as Notepad and be sure that there are no extra spaces or characters in it before pasting it into the License key window in DocuShare.
4. Rename the old file and Restart DocuShare.
From the DocuShare Server,
a. Stop DocuShare.
b. Make a copy of the \config\ file and rename it to
c. Start DocuShare.
d. Log into DocuShare as admin.
e. Click Admin Home | Site Management | License link. The Server License Management Page displays.
f. Paste the license string that you have been provided by the licensing department into the License field.
g. Click the Apply button.
h. Verify that the information regarding options you have purchased are displayed on the Server License Management Page. For example: Effective Dates, Licensed Users, and Services Enabled.
Note: If information is not correct you will need to contact the licensing department or your sales representative to verify the options you have purchased.
5. Have the Licensing or Technical support team put the license key into a decoder to verify that it is valid.
Contact licensing at
Solution Updated: October 31st, 2012
Solution ID: 247
Keywords: Host ID Changed