Note: This applies to DS6.5.x only.
Users are unable to search for multiple collections at the same time from the Locations Search field. In the previous versions of DocuShare users were able to search for title1+OR+title2 from the Change Location Search field and it would return title1 and title2 as the results. This no longer works in DocuShare 6.5.x.
The new Search Engine (IDOL) used in DocuShare 6.5.x works differently than in previous versions of DocuShare which used the K2 Search Engine.
To search for multiple collections at the same time you need to use \, (backslash and comma in between the terms – no space).
For example:
This will return both title1 and title2 as the results.
Note: This does not apply to the Basic (home page search field) or Advanced search options, to search for multiple collection at the same time from the Basic or Advanced search, you would still use +OR+ and\or +AND+ in between the terms.
Solution Published: January 12th, 2011