Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 1.
When a user arrives at a DocuShare site, but has not yet logged in, the user is considered a "guest" user. Therefore, a Guest CAL (Client Access License) is needed until the user logs in. After logging in, the user is then considered one of the DocuShare user CALs (Read-Only, DocuShare, CPX).
It is possible that multiple users will arrive at the site at the same time and log in. This is a concurrent login session. In this situation, DocuShare requires several Guest CALs to be available: one for each user logging in. The Concurrent Login Sessions field indicates the number of "temporary" Guest CALs that are available for simultaneous login.
Although a Guest CAL is used briefly for each login, it is separate from any purchased Guest CALs available on the site.
Solution Published: July 29th, 2013
Solution ID: 1356