Xerox DocuShare® 6.6.1 Release Notes
What's New in the Release
· To support process automation on multiple collections, you can apply a content rule to a collection and all of the content in it; for example, the collection, all of its sub-collections, and all of the content in the sub-collections. Additional content rule enhancements include filters on date properties, and date and permission setting actions. (CPX user feature)
· On the Advanced Search page, you can create a search relative to the current date (for example, five days before today). In addition, a new contains characters operator allows you to find objects whose property value or content includes one or more characters.
· A new WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor in wikis and weblogs provides an extended set of formatting capabilities.
· New property types: BigDecimal and Long. BigDecimal supports fixed-point decimals (used for currency values). Long supports long integers.
· Administrators can specify whether or not to index the content of individual document classes. A Content Indexing field is provided on the property page for the Document object class and for each custom Document object class.
· Several server statistics pages are available to administrators. The pages help administrators monitor server activities and diagnose server problems. The Server Statistics link under Related Links on the page footer of Web UI pages provides access to the pages.
· When certain background jobs are running, they now resume from where they stopped after DocuShare is restarted: change owner; change permissions; and delete, expunge, and restore objects.
· For sites requiring a scalable configuration, administrators can partition the content store (the directories in which the content from files is stored) using the Content Store Configuration page. This is a licensed capability.
· A new and more efficient storage method for site content improves the time required for backups. Existing sites can run an upgrade utility to convert to the more efficient method. Refer to setStorageUpgradeConfig in the DocuShare Command Line Utilities Guide for details.
· New dsindex features:
o continue option allows re-indexing to continue from where it stopped after an interruption.
o –fsizemin and –fsizemax options to specify the file sizes to be content indexed.
o index_all automatically pauses when the indexing queue is more than 30% full. It then resumes when the queue is less than 30% full.
· A new command line utility, changeSubscriptionSvcState, allows administrators to enable, pause, and remove the subscription service.
· Microsoft Office 2010 MIME types are supported.
· Enhancements to DocuShare eForms include form submitter authentication as well as the ability to add attachments to forms.
· DocuShare Quick Search provides the ability to easily switch between the Quick Search home page and the classic DocuShare home page as well as to set a home page preference.
· DocuShare Release 6.6.1 uses TinyMCE version 3.4, developed and supported by Moxiecode.
Installation and Upgrade Notes
License string required for upgrades
· Upgrades to release 6.6.1 require a new license string.
Upgrades and DocuShare on 32-bit operating systems
· If you are upgrading a version of DocuShare that is running on a 32-bit operating system to release 6.6.1, you must follow a specific upgrade procedure. Refer to the article titled "How to Upgrade to DocuShare 6.6.1 64-bit from a Previous Version of 32-bit DocuShare" in the DocuShare Knowledge Base.
Multiple DocuShare instances on the same server
· If you have other instances of DocuShare running on the same server, make sure those instances are running before installing additional instances.
DocuShare installs with PostgreSQL 9
· If you are using the PostgreSQL 9 database, the DocuShare installation will continue even though PostgreSQL 8.4.4 is the currently supported version.
MIME Type assignment method
· New installations of DocuShare 6.6.1 set the MIME Type Assignment Method to use the file extension algorithm. Upgrades to DocuShare 6.6.1 preserve the existing MIME Type Assignment Method setting. If you are upgrading to 6.6.1 and the MIME Type Assignment Method is set to use the file content algorithm, it is strongly recommended that you change the MIME Type Assignment Method to the file extension algorithm. Using the file content algorithm consumes system resources, which can affect performance. To change the MIME Type Assignment Method, use the Site Management | MIME Types page in the Admin UI.
Upgrades and DocuShare installation directory on Windows platforms
· When upgrading DocuShare on a Windows platform, do not change the capitalization of the default installation directory (docushare). Doing so will cause the upgrade to fail.
Send daily and weekly notifications before an upgrade
· Before upgrading to 6.6.1 from releases 5.x and later, ensure that daily and weekly email notifications are sent and cleared from the queue to prevent loss of pending notifications. Refer to the DocuShare Installation Guide for more information.
DocuShare installation on the Solaris platform
Installation of release 6.6.1 on a Solaris server installs a 64-bit version of the IDOL search and index engine. Therefore, if you are upgrading from 6.5.3 to 6.6.1, you will need to re-index your site. You can use either of the following options for re-indexing.
Note: If you already installed DocuShare 6.5.3 Patch 2 Hot Fix 3, then you do not need to re-index your site. You can proceed with the upgrade.
Option 1
1. Before the upgrade, export the index data by running idoltool.bat/sh:
>idoltool -s export <exportdir>
<exportdir> is the full pathname to an existing, empty directory. The export operation is best done during off hours. The typical export speed is 45 minutes per one million objects (content indexed).
2. Upgrade to 6.6.1.
Import the index data by running idoltool.bat/sh:
>idoltool -s import <exportdir>
<exportdir> is the same directory used in step 1. Again, the import operation is best done during off hours. The typical import speed is approximately 6 hours per one million objects (content indexed).
Option 2
1. Upgrade to 6.6.1.
2. Run dsindex index_all.
Upgrades from 6.5.3 and treatment of period character
In releases 6.5.3 and earlier, the period character (.) is not treated as a separator; instead, it is treated as a hyphen. Therefore, when a decimal number is indexed, it is considered hyphenated and indexed as three terms. If there are many decimal numbers in files on your site, this can impact performance.
If you are running release 6.5.3 and want to change how the period character is treated in 6.6.1, follow the steps below after upgrading to 6.6.1 but prior to indexing your site. If you are running release 6.5.2 or earlier, you do not need to do anything because after upgrading you are instructed to index your site. Indexing will change the treatment of the period character.
1. Start DocuShare and login as an administrator.
2. Click Admin Home and select Services and Components|Index from the Administration Menu.
3. Determine the language the index service uses. Look at the value in the Default Language field and ignore the encoding characters. For example, if the Default Language is englishUTF8, the index service language is english (all lowercase).
4. Open a command prompt window and run: ds660dotconfig.bat/sh <language>
Example: ds660dotconfig.bat/sh english
5. Stop and restart DocuShare.
Upgrades on sites with multiple content store partitions
Some sites are using a feature referred to as multiple content store partitions. Before upgrading to 6.6.1, determine if your site uses this feature. Open the file named, which is located in the config directory. Then look for an entry that includes the words ContentStoreRoot. If the file includes multiple ContentStoreRoot entries and each entry is appended with a number (for example, ContentStoreRoot0, ContentStoreRoot1, ContentStoreRoot2), then your site is using multiple content store partitions. If the file includes a single entry, ContentStoreRoot, then your site is not using multiple content store partitions.
To ensure that your content store partitions are supported in DocuShare 6.6.1, follow these steps before you upgrade:
6. Make a copy of the file.
7. Perform the upgrade.
8. Replace the file with the copy of the file you created in step 1.
9. Start DocuShare.
If your site is using multiple content store partitions and you upgrade to DocuShare 6.6.1 without performing the steps above, your users can receive errors when they try to view document content.
Note: DocuShare 6.6.1 creates a new configuration file named ContentStore.xml. Although the file remains in the config directory, it is not used for access to content files. The XML file is used instead.
DocuShare SharePoint Integration Solution and Secure Single Sign-On
The DocuShare SharePoint portal integration solution supports secure single sign-on. This allows Active Directory users to access DocuShare through the SharePoint portal without having to provide their credentials again once they have logged into their Windows desktop.
DocuShare external domain support and auto-login
You must set up DocuShare to use your LDAP server for account authentication and external domain hosting. You must also enable the DocuShare auto login feature. See the DocuShare Administrator Guide for details on enabling these features. After performing this step, verify an Active Directory user is automatically logged into DocuShare when accessing the DocuShare site directly (not through the DocuShare/SharePoint portal).
Register a Service Principal Name for the DocuShare server
A Service Principal Name must exist in Active Directory for the DocuShare server. You must use that same name when configuring the Viewer Web Part with the name of the DocuShare server. This name can be a NetBIOS name or a DNS name. The use of an IP address for identifying the DocuShare server is not supported for secure single sign-on. Service Principal Names can be created using Microsoft’s setspn tool.
ASP.NET and Kerberos delegation
Perform all of the configuration steps in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article How to configure an ASP.NET application for a delegation scenario.;en-us;810572
SharePoint and Kerberos delegation
The authentication provider for web applications that will be used to access DocuShare through SharePoint must enable Kerberos negotiation. Follow the steps below.
SharePoint 2010
· Launch SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.
· Click Security.
· Under the General Security grouping, click Specify authentication providers.
· Select the desired Web Application.
· Click the Default zone for Windows.
· Under IIS Authentication Settings, check Integrated Windows authentication and select Negotiate (Kerberos).
SharePoint 2007
· Launch SharePoint 2007 Central Administration.
· Click Application Management.
· Under the Application Security grouping, click Authentication providers.
· Select the desired Web Application.
· Click the Default zone for Windows.
· Under IIS Authentication Settings, check Integrated Windows authentication and select Negotiate (Kerberos).
Browser settings
On user desktop PCs, you might need to add the SharePoint server to the browser's Local Intranet zone. This is needed only if the browser displays a login dialog box even though Integrated Windows Authentication is enabled on the SharePoint server.
Known Issues
· Administration Interface
o Custom property does not appear on Display Sequence page [7538] - After adding a custom property you need to update the schema to save the new property to the database.
o Deleting the account of a user who owns many objects [14489] - When deleting a user account and the Confirm Delete page indicates that the user owns a large number of objects, do not select Show All to view all the objects the user owns.
o Adding BigDecimal properties on sites using DB2 [24048] - If your site uses the DB2 database, you cannot specify a precision greater than 23 when adding BigDecimal custom properties (the default precision is 30).
o Re-index needed after changing default language [24428] - If you change the default language on the Installed Languages page, you must re-index the site after restarting the DocuShare server. Otherwise, search results may not be reliable.
· Archive Server
o New user cannot find archived content [18173] - An error may occur when a new user tries to search for content on an Archive Server. This is because it takes a few minutes for the Archive Server to be updated with new account information. Retry the search.
· Content Rules
o permissions, should only be used for objects located in a single container (collection, discussion, etc.).
· Conversion Services
o Some documents cannot be converted to HTML - Some documents of formats supported for HTML viewing may not display fully or may result in an error. There are limits on what HTML can handle, and some features or specific files are not yet supported properly by the Autonomy KeyView software on which the DocuShare HTML Viewing functionality is based.
o PDF Conversion feature and OpenOffice versions [21237] - The DocuShare PDF Conversion feature requires installation of OpenOffice. The following OpenOffice versions have been tested for use with the feature:
Ø Windows server - OpenOffice version 2.4, 3.0.0, and 3.1.1.
Ø Solaris server - OpenOffice version 2.4 and 3.1.1.
Ø Linux server - OpenOffice version 2.4.
Note: The PDF Conversion feature works with 32-bit versions of OpenOffice. If you are running DocuShare on a 64-bit server, install the 32-bit version of OpenOffice as well as a DocuShare patch. You can obtain the DocuShare patch from the Patches and Updates collection on the DoUG site (
o Setting Up X Virtual Frame Buffer to Support OpenOffice on Solaris [21448] - The X Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb) allows the X server to initialize and run without the presence of a physical graphics adapter. First verify that Xvfb is available on your system. The default installation directory is /usr/openwin/bin.
Ø Xvfb :5 -dev vfb screen 1600x1200x32 & (ignore the warning).
Ø setenv DISPLAY :5.0 (if you are in csh) or
Ø DISPLAY=5.0; export DISPLAY (if you are in bsh).
Note: :5 is recommended for the virtual display setting to avoid conflicts with existing display variables.
o Thumbnail view of JPEG CMYK image files [67182] - JPEG CMYK image files do not display correctly when using the thumbnail view.
· Document Approval and Routing
o Routing tasks and upgrades - Routing tasks are upgraded from DocuShare 6.0.1 to 6.6.1. If you are using a DocuShare release earlier than 5.x, you should let the routing tasks complete before upgrading. For more information, contact DocuShare Customer Support
o Routing task takes several minutes to load or save [24041] - If a routing task is assigned to a large number of recipients, it can take several minutes to load or save the task.
o Routing for review and assigning permissions [56754] - When routing a document for review to a group and the group has write permission to the document, DocuShare will assign read permission to the group, even if the group members are also members of a DocuShare group (e.g., All Users Except Read-Only) with read permission.
· DocuShare eForms
o DocuShare eForms installation in English [24183] - The DocuShare eForms add-on installs in English. After the add-on is installed, you can change the displayed language of the Form Server software using the procedure provided in the Languages section of the DocuShare eForms Guide.
· Installation and Upgrade
o Upgrades from DocuShare 5.x and subscription port number - If you are upgrading from DocuShare 5.x and do not want to use the Tomcat servlet, then you will need to run dssetup and change the Subscription port number after installing 6.6.1. This ensures that the email messages sent for notifications and content rules provide the correct URL.
o System-provided groups and users return to default settings after installation of language pack [25863] - If you changed the title of one of the seven system-provided groups (Group-1 through Group-7) and then install a language pack, the group title returns to the default setting. Similarly, if you change the last name of either of the two system-provided users (User-1 and User-2) and then install a language pack, the last name returns to the default setting. You will need to change the titles and last names again.
o Licensed capabilities - With the licensing changes made in DocuShare 6.6.1, several previously licensed options are now included with the standard server. These options no longer appear in the list of enabled capabilities on the DocuShare Server License Management page in the Admin UI. Please be assured that your DocuShare site will have the same licensed capabilities after upgrading.
· Searching and Indexing
o Search finds object and custom objects [20370] - A search for a property unique to an object finds the object and may find any custom objects cloned from it. If the search finds any custom objects, it is because the label of the custom object includes a word in the label of the object class. To find the object only, limit the search by selecting the type of object under Object Types to Search.
o Search may not find objects when WYSIWYG editor is used for Description [20397] - When using some of the WYSIWYG editor features to format the Description property value, a search for the Description property value does not find the object.
o Search for the word document finds more documents than expected [21216] - When searching for the word document in Any Part, DocuShare finds more documents than expected because a document has a handle property with the word document in its property value
o Search for object handle displays more than object [21283] - When running a search using a collection handle (or the handle of other types of containers), the results display more than the collection. Also displayed are the objects located in the collection.
o Some documents cannot be indexed - Occasionally, indexing is unable to extract some or all of the text from a document. The Autonomy text extraction libraries used to index file content support a variety of file formats, but will have trouble with certain files.
· Web Interface
o Permissions required when multiple users add comments [20556] - A user who has only Read Properties permission to a document cannot add a comment to it if another user has already added a comment. The user who did not add the first comment needs full read and write permissions to the document.
o Display of changes on the Change History page [22685] - The Change History page allows you to specify Start and End dates for the selected change. The changes are displayed in reverse chronological order and paging is not provided if there are more changes than the number specified to be shown.
o Permissions needed to view documents on a six-permission site [23008] - If your site is set to use six permissions, then the following permissions are required to allow users to view document content: Read Properties and Read Content.
o Recommended number of groups for each user [25148] - When creating site groups, a user should not be a member of more than 250 groups. This includes workspace membership groups and nested groups within a group. Otherwise, your site will not perform optimally.
· DocuShare Client
o For DocuShare Client known issues, refer to the Release Notes displayed in the DocuShare Client installer.
Fixes in the Release
· Administration Interface
o [23330] When using the file content algorithm (set on the MIME Types page), the correct file type is now assigned to files.
o [23768] The access tracking feature can now be fully disabled using the Access Operation Tracking page in the Admin UI.
o [65063] When merging two or more user accounts, you now receive a message instructing you to re-assign or delete the content from the personal collections of the users whose accounts will not be retained after the merge.
o [65320] The To Field Address in Email Notifications field on the Subscriptions page allows you to specify an optional email address as the default value of the To field in out-going email notifications.
· Command Line Utilities
o [23654] dssetup now informs you when port 8005 is in use.
o Developer Tools
o [15884] DSGroup.getMemberCount() now returns the correct number of users that belong to the DocuShare-provided group (e.g., Group-4, Group-5).
o [54357] Request:includeJSP now works when used with the "view collection" and "search results" pages.
· Document Routing and Approval
o [65672] Duplicate routing tasks are no longer sent to a user when the user and any groups the user is a member of are included in the task recipient list. If the routing task has several steps, a user will still receive task notification for each step.
· Installation and Upgrade
o [59750] After an upgrade, the Repository Use report now shows the content stored on the site before the upgrade.
o [64460] The usernames of accounts on sites set up to Windows Authentication can now be mixed case.
o [66665] Two index tables, eventTable and eventObjectTable, are now added during an upgrade.
· Notifications and Content Rules
o [23980] Email notifications are sent to all recipients with email addresses even when a user without an email address is a member of a group.
o [65066] When creating a content rule and Something added is selected as the event on the Event Triggers page, cutting and pasting an object causes the action to run
o [65129] Email notifications are sent to external recipients when DocuShare users are not specified as recipients.
o [65612] The Subscription Service no longer stops sending email notifications after you change SMTP settings.
o [65967] If a daily notification is set for a collection, an email notification is sent when a user moves one of the sub-collections in the collection.
· Permissions
o [64786] To cut an object from a container, you need Write Content permission to the container from which the object is being cut (moved).
o [65907] Guest users with Read Properties permission to a document can view document comments on the Comments page.
· Searching and Indexing
o [65024] IDOL Server licensing errors are no longer written to the event log.
o [65819] - The files created from the recoverIndex command are smaller in size due to redundant information being eliminated.
· Web Interface
o [67098] A user who logs into DocuShare, checks Retain login for future, and then closes the browser window, cannot log in again after the administrator deactivates the user account.
· DocuShare Client
o [24232] Performance improvements to certain functions, such as change access permissions and change owner.
Additional Information and Support
The latest information regarding DocuShare can be found on the DocuShare web site at
Copyright 1996-2011 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Solution Updated: February 7, 2017
Solution ID: 874