DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 3 includes all patches and hot fixes released since DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 1. Note: Requires DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 1 or DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 2 or DocuShare Release 2. DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 3 is a mandatory update. Please note the following information on the DocuShare builds and updates: · DocuShare 6.6.1 b139 with Update 2, it would already have update 1 (since it’s a requirement) · DocuShare 6.6.1 b257 it includes update 2. · DocuShare 6.6.1 b801 includes update 3. · DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 2 brings a DocuShare 6.6.1 server to the same code level as DocuShare 6.6.1 R2. Update 2 includes all patches and hot fixes released since DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 1 What's New in this Release - DocuShare Enterprise configurations now allow the Content Map and Show All button to be enabled. If you are an administrator, you can enable the features on the Site Configuration page in the Administration UI. See the Upgrade Notes below for more information.
- Members of the Site Administrators group have access to Object Properties in the Administration UI, even when the group is removed from the Content Administrators group.
- A confirmation message displays when a permission change is made to a large number of objects. This allows the change to be cancelled, if needed.
- The License page in the Administration UI explains the purpose of the Concurrent Login Sessions field.
- New version of the Mobile Client Connector to support the Android version of the Xerox Mobile Client for DocuShare (when available).
- Support for Firefox ESR 24 web browser.
- Support for PostgreSQL 9.x database.
Upgrade Notes Manually start IDOL to upgrade the reference index After upgrading to DocuShare 6.6.1, manually start IDOL in order to upgrade the reference index of the existing data index. Depending on the size of the current reference index data, startup duration could be lengthy. For a single instance of IDOL, use the following procedure: - Stop DocuShare.
- In a command window, run AutonomyDiSH.exe.
- Then run AutonomyIDOLServer.exe. This command starts content.exe.
- Look for the startup status in ds/IDOLServer/IDOL/logs/content_application.log.
If startup takes longer than 15 minutes to complete, a message that the AutonomyIDOLServer failed to start appears in the log. Ignore this message. Content.exe will continue to run. Startup has finished when the message ACI Server attached to port 9010 appears in the log. - After the startup finishes, check the application log for errors.
- If there are no errors written in the log, do the following:
- Stop AutonomyIDOLServer.exe and AutonomyDiSH.exe by using Ctrl-C, or the Task Manager, or kill the processes.
- Start DocuShare.
- If there are errors written in the log, do the following:
. Allow AutonomyDiSH.exe to continue to run or restart the .exe it if it is not running. - Stop AutonomyIDOLServer.exe by using Ctrl-C or by killing the process.
- Edit ds/IDOLServer/IDOL/AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg by adding RegenerateRefIndex=TRUE under the [Server] section.
- Manually start AutonomyIDOLServer.exe and wait for startup to finish.
- When startup has finished, edit ds/IDOLServer/IDOL/AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg by removing RegenerateRefIndex=TRUE that you added in step c.
- Stop AutonomyDiSH.exe and AutonomyIDOLServer.exe.
- Stop content.exe if it is still running after you stopped AutonomyIDOLServer.exe.
- Start DocuShare.
For multiple instances of IDOL, please contact DocuShare Customer Support. Improved verifyContentStore utility - An improved verifyContentStore utility checks and fixes incorrect file sizes of document rendition files. The utility now includes -quickCheck_content_size and -quickFix_content_size options. These options make it easier to check for and fix the issue. This issue can affect some sites after upgrading from 6.0.1 or 6.5.3 to 6.6.1. If your organization monitors the Repository Use report or enforces user quotas for Document Content Size, then you should run the verifyContentStore utility after upgrading. The utility is located in the /bin directory.
Upgrades and DocuShare on 32-bit operating systems - If you are upgrading a version of DocuShare that is running on a 32-bit operating system to release 6.6.1, you must follow a specific upgrade procedure. Refer to the article titled "How to Upgrade to DocuShare 6.6.1 64-bit from a Previous Version of 32-bit DocuShare" in the DocuShare Knowledge Base.
Content Map and Show All button after an upgrade - After installing the update, the Content Map and usage of the Show All button are disabled and will need to be re-enabled, as needed. If you are an administrator, you can enable the features on the Site Configuration page in the Administration UI.
Send daily and weekly notifications before an upgrade - Before upgrading to 6.6.1 from releases 5.x and later, ensure that daily and weekly email notifications are sent and cleared from the queue to prevent loss of pending notifications. Refer to the DocuShare Installation Guide for more information.
Re-indexing IDOL search indexes may be required after upgrading |