DocuShare wikis use standard syntax for formatting wiki pages.
Character formatting
**text** bold text
~~text~~ italic text
--text-- strikethrough text
Paragraph formatting
blank line New paragraph
\\ Line break
- text An unordered list; each item preceded with -
* text An unordered list; each item preceded with *
# text An ordered list using numbers
1. text An ordered list using numbers
a. text An ordered list using lowercase alphabetic characters
A. text An ordered list using uppercase alphabetic characters
i. text An ordered list using lowercase Roman numerals
I. text An ordered list using uppercase Roman numerals
g. text A Greek enumerated list
h. text A Hiragana (Japanese) enumerated list
k. text A Katakana (Japanese) enumerated list
j. text A Hebrew enumerated list
NOTE: To create a nested list, repeat each formatting character.
# list text
## list text
Creates nested list:
1. list text
1. list text
! heading text Level one heading
!! heading text Level two heading
!!! heading text Level three heading
!!!! heading text Level four heading
!!!!! heading text Level five heading
!!!!!! heading text Level six heading
a|b|c Table with column headings
[[wiki page name]] A link to another wiki page
[[wiki page name|title]] A link to another wiki page with a title
[[wiki page name@Wiki-21]] A link to a wiki page of another wiki located on the same DocuShare server
[[Document-42]] A link to a DocuShare object
{image:Document-35} An inline image located on the same DocuShare server
{image:url} An inline image located on an external server. Example: {image:}
{image:url|title=title} A link to an external image with a title. Example: {image:|title=My Photo} A link to an external URL (schemes http:, https:, ftp:, gopher: are supported)
[[|title]] A link to an external URL with a title (schemes http:, https:, ftp:, gopher: are supported)
[[|title]] An email link with a title
... Ellipsis
\special character Allows the inclusion of special characters such as *, {. The backslash (\) Is an escape character.
Use these tags to bold text Allows the inclusion of HTML or XML tags in the text.