Note: This information is also available in the DocuShare User Guide.
You can add any number of web pages to the wiki. You first add the link to the page and
then enter content on the page.
To link a page to the wiki:
1. Open a wiki page and click Edit This Page. On the Edit Wiki page, enter the new page name between double square brackets.
Example: [[New Wiki Page]]
2. Click Apply. The page appears showing the page name you entered followed by a question mark.
3. Click the page name. The Add WikiPage appears.
4. In the Description field, enter the page content using either the WYSIWYG editor or wiki syntax.
5. Click Apply. The pages are linked.
Note: To list the pages linked to a wiki page, view the wiki page and click Backlinks. The
linked pages are listed on the Search Results page.
Solution Published: June 29th, 2012
Solution ID: 1144