The search performance could be improved by optimizing the IDOL search data if the IDOL DB’s appear to be growing too large.
Reason / Possible Cause
Search results could potentially be improved by Optimizing the Search Indices. For instance, if there are several adds, modifies, deletes to the Search Index data, the IDOL DB’s may become bloated with unused or (more likely) poorly allocated space.
Example of possible scenario:
Some customers have Ingestion and Content rules where files are uploaded to location A (index 1), Content Rules move those files to location_XX (index 2) depending on the Title or some other trigger, User xx adds a Property (index 3) which fires Content Rule 2 to move it to the next location (index 4), etc. etc. I could see where those types of workflows could potentially leave fragmentation in the IDOL Databases.
Note: The fragmentation may not be the true root cause of the slow search performance, however, running the max_clean (DRECOMPACT) on an extremely large IDOL Database should help reduce the size of the directories by up to approximately 30%. If issue continues further investigation into other contributing factors may need to be explored, such as any software applications that could be conflicting with the IDOL data such as Auditing software or Anti-virus software should have exclusions so they do not scan the IDOL content locations.
Run a dsindex max_clean to minimize the size consumption and fragmentation.
Note: The max_clean operation calls the IDOL DRECOMPACT command under the hood so they are the same command (you could also compact the Index Data immediately by issuing a DRECOMPACT command from a local browser: http://localhost:9001/DRECOMPACT or use idoltool: >idoltool –s drecompact). The DRECOMPACT or max_clean is similar to the OS defrag command where it reallocates space and optimizes the layout of the data to allow easier / better access to the data.
Warning: The files under "nodetable" holds the search indices and these files should not be deleted.
To run a dsindex max_clean
1. Before running the dsindex max_clean command, backup of your DocuShare database files.
2. Open a command prompt window.
3. Change into the <dshome>\bin directory.
Where <dshome> is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
4. Type dsindex max_clean and press Enter.
Solution Published: January 23rd, 2013
Solution ID: 1260