After indexing a site the results in the dsindex.log show that number of indexes is more than the number of objects.
09 Nov 2014 11:37:32 [RMI TCP Connection(1074)-] INFO - Total number of objects indexed: 557008 out of 556609
09 Nov 2014 11:37:32 [RMI TCP Connection(1074)-] INFO - Ended: Sun Nov 09 11:37:32 GMT 2014
09 Nov 2014 11:37:32 [RMI TCP Connection(1074)-] INFO - Total index_all processing time = 16:24:59:520
Reason / Possible Cause
The inconsistency can happen if either of the following happens.
- This can happen if objects were added or deleted during the index_all process.
For example: When the dsindex_all started process the site had 556609 total Objects but during the time it takes to complete the dsindex_all process another 399 objects are added, this will result in 557008.
You can run the verifyindex deleted command to resolve the discrepancy.
To run the verifyindex deleted command:
- Open a Command Prompt window.
- Change into the directory.
Where is replaced with the Installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
- Type verifyindex deleted and press Enter.
C:\Xerox\Docushare\bin>verifyindex deleted
Running verifyindex deleted
Deleted objects verification: Note: Verify that all objects are indexed first before running this option.
Object counts by class name:
classname = Weblog; count = 0
classname = User; count = 3
classname = Collection; count = 6
classname = Document; count = 2
classname = Bulletin; count = 0
classname = test; count = 0
classname = MailMessage; count = 1
classname = Event; count = 0
classname = Workspace; count = 0
classname = Calendar; count = 0
classname = SavedQuery; count = 0
classname = Group; count = 8
classname = WikiPage; count = 0
classname = BulletinBoard; count = 0
classname = WeblogEntry; count = 0
classname = Subscription; count = 0
classname = Wiki; count = 0
classname = URL; count = 0
classname = Space; count = 0
Total object count = 20
Total indexed count = 20
Comparing object count and indexed count by class name:
classname = User; object count = 3; indexed count = 3
classname = Collection; object count = 6; indexed count = 6
classname = Document; object count = 2; indexed count = 2
classname = MailMessage; object count = 1; indexed count = 1
classname = Group; object count = 8; indexed count = 8
Solution Published: December 1st, 2015
Solution ID: 1723