The DocuShare error log is in CSV format. The file can be opened in Microsoft Excel or other applications that support importing CSV files. Each field or column is enclosed in double quotes and separated by a comma. An example and description of the information in each field follows.
(Wed Sep 15 09:20:13 1999) System time when the error occurred.
(DSSiteAccessException) The DocuShare exception which was raised. An entry is made in the error log when a DocuShare exception is raised. Some exceptions are not errors, for example, DSOkayException, which is raised when a login or delete succeeds and you get that continue page.
(User-14) User handle for the logged-in user.
(Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; I)) The string the browser sends to identify itself.
(123.45.678.90) IP address of the requester, client machine accessing DocuShare.
(AmberWeb) Command name. For regular DocuShare browser requests this is AmberWeb. Command line things, background services, etc. use a different string.
(File-19) Argument on the URL that invoked whatever operation it was trying to do. This might have been something like a ViewProps on File-19.