The following error is displayed when attempting to log into DocuShare.
Your account has been disabled because you tried to log in too many times. Please contact your administrator to have your account enabled.
Note: You must be the DocuShare admin to perform this solution. If you do not have admin access contact your DocuShare Site administrator to have your account enabled.
To free a locked account, the administrator needs to either create a new password for the user whose account is locked or increase the number of login tries allowed.
To create a new password:
1. Log into DocuShare as admin.
2. Click Admin Home | Account Management | Users.
3. Select/Find the User that is locked out.
4. Select Change Password.
5. In the New Password field enter a new password for the User.
6. In the New Password Confirm field re-enter the password from step 5.
7. Click the Apply button.
To increase the number of login tries allowed:
1. Log into DocuShare as Admin.
2. Click Admin Home | Site Management | Account Policies. The Account Policies page displays.
3. Under the Failed Login Policy section, increase the number listed.
Note: If you want to disable the Lockout Policy completely, remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Lock account after failed login.
4. Click the Apply button.
Caution: If your site uses LDAP for external domain authentication, do not enable Failed Login Policy. To unlock a locked LDAP account, you must disable Failed Login Policy.
Note: This information is also available in the DocuShare Administrator Guide.
Solution Published: September 15th, 2014
Solution ID: 1549