Note: This applies to DocuShare 5.x, 6.0.x, 6.3, 6.5.x, 6.6.x, and 7.x.
As an administrator for your DocuShare site, you are responsible for a wide range of maintenance activities. Some maintenance activities are regular and ongoing, other activities may be infrequent. Some activities require admin or full Site Administrator privileges. Some activities require server access. Typical site maintenance activities include the following:
1. View Performance in DocuShare
View the Docushare Server stat reports to see site performance.
The diagEvent, ServerStats (Database Stats – has an average time column for each call that is helpful), CommandStats, and IndexStats are the ones that we typically review.
To check the status and performance the following IDOL reports can be reviewed.
Note: They must be executed locally on the server:
It will show an XML report of the status of the IDOL Server
It will show an XML report of the IDOL memory usage
It will show an XML report of the IDOL Server Indexing job queue status
2. Virus/Security Scan exclusions
Install a robust virus checking application on your DocuShare server. Follow the application instructions for information on configuring, running, and updating your virus checking software.
- Configure the anti-virus application to only scan the DocuShare documents repository \documents. This is the directory containing all document content files stored in DocuShare.
- Configure the anti-virus application to scan files during Writes operations to the \documents directory. Disable scanning files during Read operations (or on-access scanning) for improved performance.
- Deselect scanning outbound files
- Configure the anti-virus application to Exclude the DSHOME directory (ex: C:\Xerox\DocuShare\).
- Exclude the IDOL index content directories if not in DSHOME (\IDOLServer\IDOL\content\)
- Exclude the CIM watch folders.
- Exclude the .MDF and .LDF files from SQL Server directory (if installed on the same server).
3. Backup DocuShare
Schedule a Daily Backup of DocuShare files: DocuShare directory, document repository, and Database.
Note: The backup of the database files and the documents directory must be done at the same time so that the information contained is in sync, otherwise there will be inconsistencies between the documents and the database information. To prevent inconsistencies between the documents and the database, you will need to stop DocuShare or place DocuShare in Read Only mode so that no new data is written during the backup period.
4. Trashcan expunge expired
Run the following command to expunge the expired objects of the trashcan:
<dshome>\bin>dstrashcan expunge expired
Schedule it to run Weekly at the Operating System level to have more control, use the Windows Task Scheduler / cron to schedule.
5. DocuShare Logs maintenance
Maintenance of the Logging files: Administration Menu | Services and Components | Logging
DocuShare logs are in <dshome>\logs\
Delete any old logs that are not needed (we recommend anything older than 1-year to be removed).
6. Database Transaction Log maintenance
Schedule to shrink/truncate the transaction Logs: .ldf files on the Database server.
Schedule to run Weekly at the Operating System level.
Execute the command on the Database:
dbcc shrinkfile ('docushare_log’,10)
Where docushare_log is the name of your Docushare database log backup file.
7. Rebuild the DataBase Indexes
We recommend rebuilding Database indexes each time there is a change of schema to add, remove, or modify properties or Object Classes.
Run ResetIndexes command to rebuild the default set of DocuShare database indices, DocuShare needs to be stopped prior to run this command.
8. Schedule DataBase Optimization
On SQL Server:
a. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
b. Open a New Query window.
c. Type the following:
EXEC sp_updatestats
d. Press F5 to execute the command.
On Oracle:
Run the following command to gather database statistics for the DocuShare schema.
On PostgreSQL:
Run the following command:
vacuumdb -d [YourDatabaseName] -f -z -e
Schedule at the OS level to run Daily for sites over 500,000 Documents.
Schedule to run Weekly otherwise.
9. Schedule IDOL Indexes Backup
For Docushare 661 Update 3 or higher, IDOL 10.3.x or higher:
Create a directory for the backup. (The example below uses D:\Docushare\content_backup). If you want multiple backups saved, create the desired number of directories.
Single IDOL Content engine:
D:\Docushare\bin>idoltool.bat -s backup D:\Docushare\content_backup\ content
Multiple IDOL Content engines:
D:\Docushare\bin>idoltool.bat -s backup D:\Docushare\content_backup content0
D:\Docushare\bin>idoltool.bat -s backup D:\Docushare\content_backup content1
Logs of the Backup are located in
Schedule at the OS level to run Weekly.
10. DocuShare IDOL Logs Maintenance
Maintenance of the IDOL Logging files in <dshome>\IDOLServer\IDOL\AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg, Logging section.
IDOL logs are located in <dshome>\IDOLServer\DiSH\logs\ , <dshome>\IDOLServer\FileSystemFetch\logs\ and <dshome>\IDOLServer\IDOL\logs\
Delete any old logs that are not needed (we recommend anything older than 30 days should be removed or archived to a different location).
11. Schedule IDOL Indexes Optimization
Max clean process: Compaction of the Index Data is similar to defragmentation and it saves space and enhances performance. Run the following command:
<dshome>\bin> dsindex max_clean
Schedule at the OS level to run Daily for sites over 500,000 Documents.
Schedule to run Weekly otherwise.
12. Maintaining user and group accounts
• Changing account properties. If a user forgets an account password or needs help changing account information, you can change any account property.
• Creating new user and group accounts. In some cases, users can create their own accounts, but there may be occasions when that tasks falls to the administrator. If your site uses external domains, creating and editing new user and group accounts on an external domain is the job of the LDAP administrator. Any changes made on the DocuShare UI must also be made at the LDAP server.
• Merging multiple user accounts. Sometimes a user may inadvertently create numerous user accounts on your site. You can easily merge several accounts, and the objects associated with the accounts, into a single user account.
• Deleting user and group accounts. To cleanup and organize the site, you can delete obsolete user and group accounts.
• Monitoring user activity and site usage. To better understand site usage and population, you can view site repository use and user account activity reports.
13. DocuShare Site Admin tasks, for maintain the site
• Monitoring site errors. To monitor the health of your site, you can view the site error logs.
• Locating and fixing orphaned objects. To cleanup and organize the site, you may need to locate, and delete or reassign unassigned objects.
• Recovering objects from the trashcan. Periodically you may be asked to restore a deleted object.
• Updating the site license. Occasionally you may have to update the site license to increase the site user capacity or enable a DocuShare add-on.