Note: The information provided below should be used as a reference, information will need to be modified to suit your installation environment.
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution.
1. Export a Collection to a comma separated value (csv) file:
To export a Collection to a csv file:
a. Open a command prompt window.
- Change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
- From the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory type dsexport -f csv -m -p title Collection-XX and press Enter. Where XX is the Collection handle (number) you would like to export.
Note: This command will only export the handles and titles inside the collection specified. If you require more information to be exported then modify the options and switches in your command. The dsexport command does not delete the Collection in DocuShare, it only exports the Collection information..
Note: This example will create an export.csv file in the Xerox\Docushare\bin folder.
D:\Xerox\Docushare\bin>dsexport -f csv -m -p title Collection-11
Running dsexport -f csv -m -p title Collection-11
27 Aug 2009 08:56:22 INFO - extracting data to D:\Xerox\Docushare\bin\.\Collection
27 Aug 2009 08:56:22 INFO - Extracted 1 Collection
27 Aug 2009 08:56:22 INFO - Export to CSV is completed.
27 Aug 2009 08:56:22 INFO - Duration:0 hour(s) 0 min(s) 0 sec(s).
27 Aug 2009 08:56:22 INFO - Done.
2. Modify the csv file (Export File)
To modify the csv file:
- Open the csv file (export file) that was created in Step 1 in a text editor such as Notepad.
Note: It is recommended that you use a text editor that will not change the formatting of the csv file when resaving the file after making modifications. If the format is changed DocuShare will not import the file.
Example of the csv file created:
DocuShare Host
locale created_date version serverID export_version ….
en Wed Aug…. 06.05.02… IPAddress 6.5 ….
handle title
Collection-11 Initial Top Level Collection B
b. Delete the entries under the handle column and title column.
DocuShare Host
locale created_date version serverID export_version ….
en Wed Aug…. 06.05.02… IPAddress 6.5 ….
handle title
- Under the column labeled handle type Collection-100
- Under the column labeled title type the name of the Collection.
- Add the collection numbers one by one subsequent under handle column for example: collection-101, below collection-100 and so on until you have the number you require.
- Add the collection names under the handle column as required.
DocuShare Host
locale created_date version serverID export_version ….
en Wed Aug…. 06.05.02… IPAddress 6.5 ….
handle title
Collection-100 Accounting
Collection-101 Human Resources
Collection-102 Payroll
Collection-103 Management
- Save the csv file.
Note: If possible it is recommended that you chose the file | Save option to prevent any extra formatting changes being made to the document when resaving. If the application you are editing with changes the document format it will not import into DocuShare.
3. Import the new csv file
To import the new csv file:
a. Open a command prompt window
- Change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
- From the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory type dsimport –d Collection-XX add Collection-XX\Collection-XX.csv and press Enter.
NOTE: The above command will export all Collections inside the target collection.
D:\Xerox\DS652\bin>dsimport -d Collection-12 -n use add Collection-11\Collection
Running dsimport -d Collection-12 -n use add Collection-11\Collection-11.csv
27 Aug 2009 08:57:43 INFO - destination object's space value = null
27 Aug 2009 08:57:43 INFO - Collection-100 -> Collection-55
27 Aug 2009 08:57:43 INFO - Processed 1 Collection objects.
Note: If you receive the error message listed below when trying to import the information, then the applicat