Syntax: start_docushare
The start_docushare command controls the start and run-time environment.
Note: Tomcat arguments for this command have been moved to the dssetup command.
Arguments for start_docushare
Brackets contain the install default value of an argument.
classes Monitor adds /tomcat/webapps/docushare/WEB-IMF/classes to the front of the classpath.
Caution: Use only at the direction of DocuShare Customer Support.
config Monitor will use the for its configuration.
console Monitor logs into the console rather than to Monitor.log
debug Monitor runs in debug mode.
Caution: Use only at the direction of DocuShare Customer Support.
env Monitor displays the docushare run-time environment.
force Monitor creates a new configuration default file
Caution: Use only at the direction of DocuShare Customer Support
help Display command help text.
inprocess Run DSServer in process..
outprocess Run DSServer out of process (default is outprocess)
resetpassword Reset the admin password to admin.
start Start the server (default).
start_docushare.exe Windows command to start DocuShare. Function identical to the simple start_docushare command. (For development use)
trackrmi Tract the subprocess connections.
update_config Monitor asks the controlled services to update their configuration.
update-only Update environment only and then exit.
verbose Monitor runs in verbose mode.