Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.x and 7.
Note: The time taken to execute the command depends on number of Collections or Custom Collections in the site. It is advised to implement during non-business hours.
1. Download the dssetprop2 utility from:
2. Install the utility by placing dssetprop2.bat under <dshom>\bin (.sh in case of Linux) and dssetprop2.jar under <DSHome>\lib.
3. Execute the command from the <dshome>\bin directory.
Example of a command to set the sort order of Collections to date descending (newest on top).
dssetprop2 -u admin -p password -c Collection -n sort_order -v "Date"
Note: You must specify -port <RMI_port_number> if the RMI port is not set to 1099.
Syntax example for Windows:
dssetprop2.bat -u <admin_username> -p <admin_pwd> -port <RMI_port_number> -c Collection -n sort_order -v “<sort_order>”
Syntax example for Linux:
./ -u <admin_username> -p <admin_pwd> -port <RMI_port_number> -c Collection -n sort_order -v “<sort_order>”
Where <admin_username> is admin username. This can be any user from Site Administrators group.
Where <admin_pwd> is the password of <admin_username> user
Where <RMI_port_number> is replaced with the RMI port number. You must specify the port number if it is not set to the default value of 1099. To check the RMI port value on your server run dssetup.
Where <sort_order> is the order that is used for sorting. This value must be in quotes in the command.
Options available are:
• TypeAndTitle – Type of Object with order of Title ascending
• TypeAndDate – Type of Object with order of Date ascending
• Date – Date Descending (Newest on top)
• Title – Title in alphabetic order
• TitleReversed – Title in reverse alphabetic order
• DateAscending – Oldest on top
Note: To change the sort order of the custom collections, use the command in the example below.
dssetprop2-u <admin_username> -p <admin_pwd> -port <RMI_port_number> -c <Custom_Collection> -n sort_order -v “<sort_order>”
Solution Updated: December 19, 2019
Solution ID: 1633