How to configure Object Reporting
Note: This information is also be found in the DocuShare 7 Administrator Guide.
Object Reporting Configuration
Use Services and Components l Object Reporting Configuration to configure the object/property report generating feature. This feature allows anyone to generate, and view or download, a CSV file that displays all of the objects and associated properties (and property values) contained within selected collections.
Select specific properties, for individual DocuShare object types, that you want to appear in a collection content report.
1. From the Administration menu, click Services and Components l Object Reporting Configuration.
2. From the Select Object Type menu, choose the Object Type that you want to configure.
This menu lists all of the default object types and custom object types currently on the DocuShare site.
When you select an object type, two additional lists are displayed; Possible Properties and Selected Properties.
3. Use the Add and Remove buttons to populate the Selected Properties list with the properties that you want included in a report.
4. When finished, click Apply.
Using the report feature
To generate a report in any collection:
1. Select a collection or collections, either from browsing a site or from running a site search.
2. From the Edit Selected menu, select Generate Report.
3. In the Save Page As window, either open the file or save the file.
The report is generated as a CSV file, so it is easily viewed in Microsoft Excel. The report lists all of the objects within the collection, and all of the properties and values associated with each object listed, as configured in the Object Reporting Configuration page.
Solution Published: July 6, 2016
Solution ID: 1803