Note: This information can also be found in the DocuShare 7 Administrator Guide.
Custom property types
Property | Description |
BigDecimall | Create a property field that accepts BigDecimal values. BigDecimal supports fractional values. You can specify up to 5 digits to the right of the decimal and up to 30 digits to the left of the decimal. |
Boolean | Create a property field that accepts either a true or a false value. You must specify displayed labels for the choices, such as Yes and No. |
Date | Create a property field that accepts numeric values in date format, with each value separated by either a forward slash (/) or by a dash (-). The DocuShare system converts the date into the correct internal format. |
| Create a property field that accepts an email address. |
Float | Create a property field that accepts a floating point value. You can specify a minimum and maximum float value. DocuShare generates and displays an error message if the user enters a value that is out of range. |
Integer | Create a property field that accepts integer values. You can specify a minimum and a maximum integer value. Integers can range from -2147483648 to +2147483647. Fractional values are not allowed. |
Long | Create a property field that accepts long integers. Long integers can range from -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807. Fractional values are not allowed. Menu Create a menu that displays entered values. |
String | Create a property field that accepts a string value. The standard property summary is an example of a string property. Note: Do not use the following words (English version of the words) as custom string field names: subject, manager, company, and category. |
Text | Create a property field that accepts an arbitrary length text value. The standard property description is an example of a text property. Text properties are indexed as stream data. DocuShare applies all advanced word searches, such as word stemming, to stream data. |
URL | Create a property field that accepts a URL as a string value. |
Solution Published: July 5, 2016
Solution ID: 1793