Note: This information can also be found in the DocuShare 7 Administrator Guide.
Default object classes
Class Description
Object Class | Description |
Calendar | A site calendar. Users enter reminders, or events, on specific calendar days. |
Collection | A DocuShare equivalent of a folder. Users place other objects, such as documents or calendars, inside collections. Collections may also contain other collections. |
Discussion | A site discussion board. Users post topics on the a discussion board. |
Document | A file stored on a DocuShare site. |
Event | A calendar entry, such as a meeting day and time. Used in conjunction with calendar objects. |
Group | An assemblage of users, groups, or both. |
MailMessage | A DocuShare secure mail message. |
Saved Query | Saved DocuShare search terms. |
Subscription | When applied to an object, subscription emails data changes to all subscribed users. |
Topic | A message created by a user for posting on a discussion board. |
Workspace | A workspace for individual users. |
Weblog | A site blog for journal postings. |
Weblog Entry | A blog entry item. |
Wiki | A site wiki for interactive postings. |
Wiki Page | A wiki entry item. |
Solution Published: July 5, 2016
Solution ID: 1792