Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.6.x
· The eForms Server must already be installed
· The DocuShare Content Intake Manager must already be configured.
Note: For detailed instructions on how to install and/or configure the Docushare Content Intake Manager for eForms click the solution link listed at the bottom of this page under Related Items.
If your forms require digital signing capabilities, you can configure eForms so the identity of the form submitter is captured when a form is accessed from DocuShare and the form submitter is logged into DocuShare as a registered user.
1. Open the LiquidOffice Management Console and log in as administrator.
2. Select Connect Agents.
3. On the toolbar, click the Add button.
The Add New Connect Agent window appears.
4. In the Connect Agent Name field, enter DSAuthenticate.
5. Under Connect Agent-Type, select Process from the menu.
6. Click Next.
7. Under Select Process Plugin, select WorkFlowDocuSharePlugin from the menu.
8. Click Next.
9. When the process completes, click Done.
10. For forms that require DocuShare authentication, add ?DSAuthenticate=ca(where ca is the ame of the connect agent used in publishing the form) to the form URL.
Example: http://localhost:99/lfserver/CreditReport?DSAuthenticate=invoice
You may use an optional parameter “DSForm†to add a prefix to the form name when it is published in DocuShare. For example: http://localhost:99/lfserver/CreditReport?DSAuthenticate=form&DSForm=CreditReport. This URL must originate from a DocuShare page. You cannot simply enter it in a browser window. This can be done by adding it as a DocuShare URL object.
11. When creating the signature block in Form Designer: open the Properties dialog for the signature object and click the signature tab for Signature Authority-Authenticate Using; then select Click-through (On client).
This causes authentication to take place through DocuShare. Any other choice causes authentication to take place through the LiquidOffice server.
Solution Published: April 29th, 2011
Solution ID: 729