1. Copy you DocuShare eForms license string into the License field on the Site Management | License admin page of your DocuShare site.
Note: DocuShare must be licensed for eForms before you install the add-on.
2. Stop DocuShare.
3. Download the add-on software to the server.
4. Start the installation, select to install the DocuShare eForms add-ons, then follow the install Wizard instructionsjust as you would any other Docushare add-on or update.
5. When the installation has successfully, close the Wizard.
6. Start DocuShare.
7. Go to the \backup\liquid-office-server directory and open the install.properties file.
8. In the open install.properties file, search for the keyword port.
Solution Updated: February 2nd, 2015
Solution ID: 726
The port number in this file (default = 99) is the port you will use to access the LiquidOffice Form Server.
9. Open a browser window and enter the URL to the Form Server. For example: http://localhost:99/jsp/login.jsp.
10. In the Login window, log in as administrator (there is no initial password)/
Note: After you have logged in, you can use the server administrator tool to create a secure password for administrator.
11. On the toolbar, click the Administration icon (the hammer and wrench) to download and install the LiquidOffice Management Console.