Note: If you are using DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 2 or below the -reindexSince option will not be available. This option was built into dsindex after update 3. Refer to the reindexChangesSince article that is linked at the bottom of the page for detailed instructions on how to use the command in older versions.
Syntax: dsindex [option] <operation>
The dsindex command allows the administrator to compress, cleanup, re-index, and optimize the
DocuShare search database.
Caution: While dsindex is running, the accuracy of any ongoing searches may be affected because DocuShare is searching both the current collection and the backup collection.
Options for dsindex
-c <chunksize> Chunk size. Applies only to dsindex index_all. The number of files per batch.
-classname <classname> To reindex all objects of a specified classname with the name of the object class; used with the index operation.
Example: dsindex -classname Document index
-collection <collection handle> Indexes all the children document objects in the specified Collection handle (applies only to index).
-count <number> The number of objects in the same class to index; Zero (0) will index all objects in the class.
-continue After the interruption of a running dsindex command, restart the command and pick up from where it stopped
Example: dsindex –continue index_all
Note: The continue option is only available with DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 3.
-f Foreground. Allows dsindex to run in the foreground.
-h Help. Display command help text.
-handles <”handles”> To reindex a specified list of handles separated by commas and enclosed in double quotes; used with the index operation.
Example: dsindex -handles "Document-11, Document-22, Collection-15" index
-l Level. Write the specified level (debug, trace, info, warn, error, fatal) message to the log file.
-optType <number> The optimization type to be applied to the optimize operation.
-q Quiet. Run the command in quiet mode. Suppresses all informational messages and user yes/no prompts. Assume Yes to all prompts and proceed at your own risk.
-reindexSince <MM/dd/yyyy> Re-indexes objects since the specified date.
-reindexSince <MM/dd/yyyy>-<MM/dd/yyyy> Re-indexes objects with modified or creation date between the two dates specified in the option; at or after the first date (inclusive) and before the last date (exclusive).
-start <number> Starting index number of the object in the same class.
-startingHandle <handle> Specifies the starting handle for continuing an index_all operation.
-fsizemax<number> Specifies the maximum file size (in bytes) for a Document object. (Inclusive)
-fsizemin<number> Specifies the minimum file size (in bytes) for a Document object. (Exclusive)
Example: dsindex -fsizemin 1000000 -fsizemax 5000000 index_all
This example indexes ALL DocuShare objects, but only those Document objects with file sizes greater than or equal to 1 million OR less than 5 million have content indexed; the rest of the objects have only metadata indexed.
Note: The fsizemax and fsizemin operations are only available with DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 3.
Operations for dsindex
index Indexes the specified classname with the object class name or a specified list of handles. Used with options: -classname or – handles.
index_all Enumerates all objects in the database, a class at a time, then indexes them in chunks.
max_clean Comprehensive. Removes old files, compresses the database, defragments the disk, and performs optimize.
optimize Merges partitions and optimizes the Autonomy databases.
stop Used to stop a running dsindex operation.
Usage: dsindex [options] (index_all | index | max_clean | optimize | stop)
Use -continue option to continue index_all.
Example using dsindex
dsindex -reindexSince 05/01/2014-05/30/2014 index_all — re-indexes all objects with modified/create date at or after 05/01/2014 (inclusive) and before 05/30/2014 (exclusive).