Note: This information can also be found in the DocuShare Command Line Utilities Guide.
Syntax: dssetup
The dssetup command starts the DocuShare interactive configuration tool for making changes to the
current DocuShare system configuration.
Arguments for dssetup
help Display command help text.
config <file> The location of the DocuShare configuration property.
testport <port> Test if <port> is free.
status Test Tomcat status.
System configuration
To view or change DocuShare configuration parameters:
1. Run stop_docushare.
2. Run dssetup to display the configuration list.
Note: Configurations displayed may vary depending on the version of DocuShare installed and how the site was installed, licensed, and configured.
3. Make your changes to the configuration.
4. Run start_docushare.
Configurable System Properties and Values
Configuration Name Default
Current version The DocuShare build version for this site.
Current updates All software updates and patches installed.
Host DNS name Server’s fully qualified DNS name
RMI port number default 1099
RMI host Server name
Tomcat http port <status on/off> 8080 / on
Tomcat bridge port <status on/off> 8009 / on
Tomcat server port number 8005
Tomcat JVM route tomcat1
Tomcat DocuShare root docushare
Subscription port number 8080
HTTP Protocol http
Database host current database host name
Database port number 1433
Database link chunk size 100
Database search result chunk size 100
Database user sa
Database name Docushare
Database is a named instance true
Database instance name docushare
DocuShare SMTP server Fully qualified DNS name of the gateway
DocuShare SMTP server port 25
DocuShare admin email address The email address of the site administrator
DocuShare 2.2 cookie support false
IDOL Dish Server port 20000
IDOL Dish Server svc port 20002
IDOL Server aci port 9000
IDOL Server ndx port 9001
IDOL Server svc port 9002
IDOL FSF Server port 7000
IDOL FSF Server svc port 10223
IDOL Dish Server Hostname
IDOL Server Hostname
IDOL FSF Server Hostname
IDOL Search Server Hostname
IDOL Server installdir C:\Xerox\ds63b53\IDOLServer
Interact enabled false
SMB scan enabled false
Subscription enabled true
System RMI retry count 20
System restart count 2
Host id The host id of the site
Host system platform The system platform of the site <Windows 2003 etc>
Restart on failure true
Logging level INFO
Monitor type Primary
Additional roots enabled false
Solution Published: January 15th, 2014
Solution ID: 1436