Note: The options described in this solution are available in DocuShare 6.6.1 Update 3 Patch 3 and higher. Syntax: recoverIndex
The recoverIndex command locates any logged search database failures or failures where DocuShare cannot communicate with the search database. DocuShare logs a number of these types of failures, but will shut down after too many have occurred. The recoverIndex command, combined with the correct operation, can determine if these failures were logged. Once the search database problem is resolved, the recoverIndex command can retry the failed operations.
Options for recoverIndex
-clear | Clears the contents of the recovery list. |
-h | Display the command help text. |
-listFailedSummary | Lists the handles of documents that had abstracts that did not get updated during indexing. |
-recover | Retry the operations after the search database problems are resolved. |
-recover -handle | Recover the specified object. |
-report | Discover any search database failures that have been logged by DocuShare. |
-updateSummary | Updates the abstracts of documents listed when you ran -listFailedSummary. |
Examples using recoverIndex
recoverIndex -clear | Clears all the contents in the recovery list. |
recoverIndex -report | Displays a log that lists the object handles that failed to index, the time of failure, and a JAVA-style error report (stack trace) that may offer a suggestion on how to remedy the problem. |
recoverIndex -recover -handle Document-123 | Clears the log of the record of this specific object indexing failure. |
recoverIndex -recover | Clears the log. |
Solution Updated: June 14, 2016
Solution ID: 501
AR 34226